
Are natural herbal pills better then statins.....?

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are natural herbal pills like shuddha guggul and garlic pills better then statins to lower cholestrol ???




  1. No.

  2. Yes, an effective way to raise HDL {good cholesterol} and lower LDL {bad cholesterol}, is by consuming significant quantities of omega 3 oils, this means supplementing or eating lots of oily fish, like organic wild salmon, Sardines. It is omega 3 that protected the inuit from heart disease, since they consume mega quantites of animal fat from the seals and sea food they comsume.

    You should stop smoking, assuming that you do, since it oxidises fat/cholesterol, which makes it harder to remove from arteries

    Increase your intake of Antioxidants, which are protective, and the arch enemy of oxidation/free radicals, take vitamin A, C, E, and betacarotene.

    The combination of the right diet and supplements is likely to be far quicker and more effective than statin drugs.

    If you choose to take statin drugs, make sure you take atleast 30mg of Co-enzyme Q10, since statin drugs block an enzyme that makes cholesterol, but this enzyme also is involved in making an important heart nutrient called Co-enzyme Q10, which is needed for the proper functioning of the heart.

    Get a bloodtest to check homocysteine levels, this can cause damage to the heart.

    Take 1-2g of Vitamin C in the form of magnesium ascorbate per day, or 2 pints of freshly squeezed oranges, 25oranges required for 2 pints. Look into the lipoprotein A theory of heart disease.

    Nitric Oxide supplement - this will dilute the blood vessels to the heart, as would Hawthorn berry, and cayenne pepper. This will help clear out the stuck cholesterol and prevent a heart attack. Also consider Ginkgo Biloba far increasing blood flow around the body and brain.

    Hope this helps.

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