
Are neck, shoulder, and back aches common for pregnancy side effects?

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My neck, and shoulders have been really achy and sore for about 2 days now. I've taken a pregnancy test and it came up as positive. Could this be the reason? Thank you! :]




  1. yes as an expecting father my wife has them alot.

  2. They are common later in pregnancy due to the weight bearing.

    However, in your case it sounds more like you may have gotten a touch of the flu.  Avoid cold environments and keep warm to alleviate pain.

  3. Yes, these are signs of pregnancy, along with fatigue and nausea.  don't be surprised to have body aches and pains the entire pregnancy.  For some reason women don't realize that pregnancy changes everything about your body.  Your whole structure has to adjust to the change in your weight and shape.  expect to feel pain as your ribs and pelvic area start to spread.  Being active will help, just don't overdo it.

  4. not until you start to gain the extra weight from carrying the baby...if your further along then yes but if your barely pregnant than no.

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