
Are newspapers going the way of dinosaurs?

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Where do you get your news? Do you read a newspaper? What do you like about your local paper? What would you like to see in your local paper that's not there now? What would happen if newspapers ceased existing in print?




  1. I haven't read a paper in years.

  2. As long as there are coupons and "T.V. Section" there will be newspapers.

    Our predominate paper is a liberal rag, but my wife still wants the coupons and tv section, so we waste the money every Sunday to get one. It goes unread unless it is football season or some one pulls a real ***** in politics.

    PS: news print has many useful functions like streakless window washing, removes garlic oder from plasic containers, but I don't recommend reading them if they are the typical yellow journalism liberal rag.

  3. i dont think that would ever happen. well, that may happen in metro-cities but in smaller cities people won't get the local news through the internet always, they would turn to newspapers instead

  4. In this cyber-era, newspapers still have their lives. e.g. they may get more in depth report, more unbiased report and more trustworthy reports.

    In this cyber-era, newspapers are stil useful to pack fish and chips for your lunch or dinners.

  5. We get the LA TIMES, my husband reads it more than I do. There has been reports as to the low rate of subscribers.  Most people believe the newspaper will become obsolete due to the internet.  The advantage of having a newspaper you get in depth reporting, local activities, and store coupons.  

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