
Are nike shox ok to wear if you arent going to run in them?

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Are nike shox ok to wear if you arent going to run in them?




  1. yes

  2. yah

  3. hey u can wear watever u want. its called fashion. if someone always asked if it was ok to wear a certain kind of clothes we wouldnt have so many cool styles

  4. Yeah I wear them as casuals and so do a lot of my runner friends so I don't see any reason not to. They're really comfy and look amazing so I'd say go for it. Plus, they have them in every color imaginable so you can get some to match almost any outfit you have

  5. I heard Nike can have you arrested in some districts if you're ever spotted wearing them while not running.

    You'll need to check the licensing agreement you sign when you buy the shoes, and make sure to read all the fine print. If they don't offer it to you in the store, make sure to ask. I hear they try to sneak it by some people since Nike's really started cracking down recently.

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