
Are noble gas redioactive isotopes?

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which element is?




  1. An isotope stays the same element.  Transition metals, rare earth metals and alkali earth metals can all have radioactive isotopes. This is because the metals are not inert.

    You may want to know what an allotrope is. An allotrope is a element with different structures. e.g graphite and daimond are allortopes of carbon.

    Isotoes are atoms with same protons but different amount of neutrons, Remember that. to show the amount of protons we would say the amount like.. uranium^239 this would show uranium had 239 protons.

    Half life is the amount it takes for the isotope to decay half-way. It would've lost have of all protons at this time.

  2. EVERY element has radioactive isotopes

    In terms of the Nobel gases

    Helium: only He-3 and He-4 are stable, there are 8 isotopes

                  He-5 to He-10 are beta emitting radioisotopes

    Neon: Ne-20, Ne-21, Ne-22 are the only stable isotopes

               Ne-16 to Ne-19 and Ne-23 to Ne-34 are radioactive

    Argon: Ar-36, Ar-38 and Ar-40 are stable

                 Ar-30 - 35, 37, 39, 41-53 are radioactive

    Krypton:  Kr-78, Kr-80, Kr-82, Kr-83, Kr-84 and Kr-86 stable

                    Kr-69 to Kr-77, Kr-79. Kr-81, Kr-83, Kr-85, Kr-87 to

                    Kr 100 are radioactive

    Xenon: Xe-124, Xe-126, Xe-128 and 129, Xe-130 - 132 and             134 and 136 are stable all the rest from Xe-110 to

                   Xe-147 are radioactive


  3. Rn is a radioactive noble gas.  I am sure that radioactive isotopes are known for most, if not all, of the other noble gases, but they do not occur in nature.

  4. None of the noble gasses are radioactive in their normal states except for Radon

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