
Are o2 free texts UK only or can you use them abroad?

by Guest32291  |  earlier

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I am going on holiday and am wondering can you use free texts abroad or not.




  1. They're UK only... It's always costed me and others I know, to send texts to UK when we've been abroad and the way okie592 is saying it's free but uses up 3 free texts instead of 1, I noticed that was for when I sent MMS to UK from abroad, not normal SMS. Sending normal SMS was costing me 50p/text, but when I sent text by MMS it was free and was taking out 3 texts from my free texts, but it was working out so much more cheaper 'cos I had so many free texts...

  2. yes, my friend just got back from spain and shes been sending me texts using her free ones.

    it will cost 3 texts isted of one though

  3. its uk only cause i tried txting abroad but it charged me.

  4. It entirely depends on how old your contract is,the older contracts used to use a number of free texts/minutes to cover usage abroad for example 3-4 free texts/minutes per every text/minute used abroad. Newer contracts do not include this. Call O2 to find out for sure

    This should give you the relevant contact numbers

  5. Just in UK only.

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