
Are occasional "cramps" normal in a healthy heart?

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I occasionally get cramps right around where I think my heart is. The actually cramp only lasts a second or two- but it hurts during that time and my heart feels kinda fluttery for a little while after that (this may just be because it surprises me). It's also only on my left side that I notice it. It's not recent; I've had it for years. My doctor has never said there was anything wrong with my heart, but I've never asked about this. I exercise and eat healthy. My dad thinks it may just be chest wall stuff. If you answer this question, it would help if you have had the same experience or are a doctor. Thanks for the help!




  1. Nearly impossible to answer this in a forum like this.  You need to be throughly examined, have multiple tests run on you, if necessary to find out if there is anything going on.

    The possible issues run anywhere from indigestion to heart burn and muscle issues all the way up to deformed heart and obstructed coronary arteries and heart valve insufficiency.  Either one of the said issues needs a specific test to rule out or rule in.

    If you have brought this up with your doctor and I don't see how you could not have in "years" of dealing with it, and he/she has ignored it or discounted it, see another doctor, preferably a cardiologist.

    If I can say anything without having examined your and run tests on you, in a forum such as this one, I'd say this is not normal and there is some concern.  

    Get it checked.  

  2. It happens to me too. I am 31 yrs old, eat healthy and exercise. I think it is ok. But if you are that concerned you should ask the doctor.

    It only happens once in a while to me

  3. well i wouldnt say thats normal.. did you work out before you  get the cramps? i would check with the doctor just to make sure everything is all good.. it wouldn't hurt to do that

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