
Are occasional "lazy days" necessary for the body or mind?

by  |  earlier

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I have concluded that days like today (it's 3 o'clock and all I have done is research colleges, search for jobs, asked and answered questions on here and listened to a lot of Wilco.) So could days like today be considered a "research day" to prepare me for more filling days?




  1. I think you need more than an occasional lazy day.

  2. My rule is; if the name of the day contains the letter "a" then it is a rest day.

  3. Imagine your life being like a roller coaster. It needs to get down before going up. You can't always just go up and up, there needs to be slower periods.

  4. R/R stands for relaxing and rehabilitation

    so yes a few day of relaxing  are good for you  

  5. people need days where they can relax so that they don't get over stressed. like using your Saturday to go to the park with your kids instead of going into work. a day to just be yourself.

  6. yeah rest is definitely necessary! that is why God created a day of rest! our bodies are not machines so its normal to need some down time.

  7. I think having a day to yourself where you get things done you want to do and finish that book or veg out is perfectly fine.

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