
Are old-fashioned values and discipline dead?

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I am shocked at how children these days pay so little respect to their parents and society at large. Is there anyone out there who still believes in the old virtues of obedience? I am a widow with two daughters 16 and 17 and I still insist that they behave properly and where necessary I will still ground or spank them. Am I alone?




  1. its becuz a lot of parents dnt have control of their kids these days. Kids copy off of tv and video games and stuff like that, and parents are just too scared to discipline(for what reason i hav no idea) my mom was never too scared to spank me when i got out of hand. But when i hav kids, they will be disciplined and hav respect for me and other ppl

  2. No your not alone my kids are 16 and 19. I still spank and ground them, children in general are so rude and obnoxious today. I believe it has a lot to do with the immoral c**p they show on television. I hear kids cursing and yelling at their parents all the time. If that was my child they wouldn't have any teeth left in their mouth.  The problem is that the parent's want to be their children's friend and not their parent.  Spare the rod spoil the child. Spanking children is not abuse beating children is abuse there is a big difference. It's because of theignorence of people who say such things that America's chilldren are nothing but spoiled, rude, and embaressing little brat's. Spank your children if they need it and if they don't like it let them go live in a home where they won't get cell phones, internet, 100 ble jeans, and someone to teach them right from wrong.

  3. for some people thet are dead but I still believe in teaching my kids proper manners. I refuse to let them be rude and crude when out with other ppl and if I catch them doing it, they are reprimanded in front of everyone. (really only had to do this once as they all learned I am not going to put up with it.)

  4. this is not the 1940s we do not ration food go away.

  5. You are not alone.

  6. the youths today are really brain washed with the modern technology which leads to disobedience. One thing is that they are more exposed to the violent world

  7. No, I think it just appears that way. We encourage our children to think for themselves and to look after themselves. The price we pay for that is independence and an amount of self-confidence which comes across in teenagers like rebellion or rudeness as their communication skills are still developing.

    My 19 year-old son has answered his mother and me back for a number of years now, our 17 year-old daughter can be quite pompous in the way she responds to us, and our 13 year-old daughter is going on 30! Yet, having said that, they do not roam the streets or town centres causing trouble, they are helpful and respectful to others, particularly strangers, and can be taken to the best restaurants and West End shows.

    So, don't lose hope. Hope that helps

  8. Yep dead as a door nail. Good luck with that!

  9. Yes, it is a dying way of life in this world. But there are people who still live by and apply Bible principles given by God. And they have many publications aiding people in learning and applying these beliefs! You can find out more at www. wathctower. org

    I go there to find all sorts of info to help me out for different needs!  

  10. No you are not alone. That is the way I was raised, and would like to raise my children that way. But today's laws prevent me from raising my child freely. You spank, you go to jail. Obedience, pfffft. It's all about psychology games now. If you tell your kid no, you hinder their development. And time out isn't "punishment" its a way to relax. If you demonstrate any kind of authority because... well you're experienced, then you are hindering your child's spirit.  Whatever. Kids have tvs and computers in their rooms. Ipods, cell phones. But let me ask you this. What do they do to deserve them. What happened to chores and allowances. No wonder this generation doesn't know how to handle money or problems. They are spoiled little pharmacuetical heads.  I know I sound like an old f**t. But I'm 25. When my 2 year old goes to school I want her to learn what respect is, honor, loyalty, and discipline. When did those things turn into bad words? With out those, this world is in a whole lot of hurt.

  11. yeh

  12. I don't have kids but boy if I did, they would behave themselves.

    You are not alone, I know parents who do instill obedience and manners in their children.

  13. Im sure you just asked this.  

  14. All that has nothing to do with the lack of physical punishment tho, but with the society at large. (too long to discuss here but I am sure you know what I mean)

    I do hope you are alone.

  15. They have been dead for some time.  And you are out of bounds spanking children: they are too old for that.  Spanking constitutes battery, a felony.

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