
Are online casino's rigged?

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are online cashino's rigged?

also would you recommend any that are straight?

thanks ^^




  1. If you believe you have a gambling addiction, please stop it here right now, no ifs or buts, end of story.  All internet gambling sites just want basically to rip you off, one is no more bona fide than the other.  If you gamble you know that you are just fuelling the pockets of greedy criminals, you do have other options such as part-time work and you can tell these internet criminals to basically go stuff themselves.  However we do still have our state funded gambling, the National Lottery and High Street bookies, you can waste your money on them if you like, but there really is no other system to give you higher odds.

  2. Of COURSE they are!

    All casinos are 'rigged' to some extent.  How else do you think they make so much money?

  3. I would say yes, they are.   Virtual or other wise, the odds are in the favor of the casinos.  

    Poker sites maybe under more scrutiny and the more respectable ones may have independent auditors inspect their code but there is no way of telling if the independent auditors are in collaboration with each other.

  4. Reputable casinos are not rigged - they are regulated and would be shut down if they were shown to be rigged. However, the odds do give the house their edge, so in the long term you will lose.

  5. This is answered in some detail here:

  6. yes they are i guess. you should just play real casino or just play casino online with no money involved

  7. Some rigged, some no. If you stick to well known casinos you will never have problems. The best online casino is BF, you can read more for it at

    It is safe and secure and over 200 000 players registered there. The site won Queen's Award for innovation 2 times.

  8. There are some very bad sites out there on the Internet!

    Many casinos online are simply ripoffs, frauds, and thieves! Here is a list of online casinos to AVOID, an online casino BLACKLIST:

    Be careful, many casinos in foreign countries are little more than scams and getting your money out can be almost impossible.

    There are no online casinos I would recommend, but there are some online sites that offer Poker and Blackjack and are 100% USA legal, which means you are protected by US law in the event of any problems. And you can legally use your credit cards and get paid fast by check.

    Here is a link:

    Good luck!

  9. best online casinos in the internet

    listed at

  10. are you kidding? your trusting someone you cant see, in a place you dont know, not to rip you off? of course theyre rigged.

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