
Are only the guilty ones allowed to protest the loudest? ?

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How about the innocent, don't they have just as much right as the guilty ones? What's your opinion?




  1. in every legal battle, the innocent ones including those who are convicted have the same rights. right to voice out their opinion, right to be represented in court, and the right to protect themselves.  

  2. The guilty aren't necessarily the only ones "allowed" to sound off the loudest, but as a rule, their mentality tells them that if they make enough noise, it will take suspicion away from them, and make someone else look guilty

  3. Unfortunately the squeaky wheel always gets the grease [attention]

  4. Likewise both the guilty and the innocent are, not only allowed to protest the loudest but both are encouraged to do so.

    As a rule, the guilty, know if they make no noise suspicion will sway from them and make those who reveal look like the guilty.

    Of course all this is negated once any proof is submitted. Proof such as:


    self admission to troll ownership (not just one or two),

    self admission to allocating BA's to self and friends via trolls,

    self admission to using trolls to attack,

    self admission to using trolls for vote offs,

    etc. etc.

    The innocent should have much more right than the guilty

  5. The truth will prevail. no matter who is right or wrong.

  6. Everybody has the right to be heard. Unfortunately, in some cases, some tend to abuse that right and use it to become or remain innocent. Nevertheless, we all have that right and it would be better if we will use it with good intentions.

  7. Actually, for the truth to be known, it is the GUILTY who are the quietest ones here. They have no come back to all the allegations that have been made so they choose to be quiet and hope that eventually all will be forgotten so that they can once again return to their glory of open cheating.

    For a fleeting moment one brazenly dared to make her comment on j**s blog but her comment speaks for itself (no she isn't a 12 year old at least I don't think so). They resort to violations thinking if they can rid YAP of yours truely, moi, their problem is gone. Have a look at my account, I ask you, does it look like one that will be missed if deleted.

    They think that by blocking me I can no longer view or answer their questions. Hulu, think again.

    They think that by spreading rumours that I am so and so or who ever that will take the sting out of me, Hulu, think again.

    The guilty have been given many opportunities to put forward their case. An opportunity they choose to ignore.

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