
Are others countries like Australia , England also going to organize tournaments like IPL?

by Guest57901  |  earlier

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Are others countries like Australia , England also going to organize tournaments like IPL?




  1. Do not really know. Some are thinking.

    They have all woken up to the money making IPL.

  2. I've only heard about england. Don't know about rest.

  3. England is planning, yes, not so sure about Australia ...

  4. To my knowledge there are not any such immediate plans at the international level and as big as the IPL(probably since their cricket boards are not rich enough),yes but they do have their domestic 20-20 tournaments.

  5. Yes. Both Australia and England are contemplating ro conduct tournaments similar to IPL in the near future.

  6. England will start one soon. Pakistan is also starting their own premier league from next year.

    Don't know about Australia.

    But these leagues are not going to be as high profile as IPL.

    IPL has got much bigger fan base.More sponsers,more money.

  7. eng is going to have it in a short span

    pakistan & aussies too

    may be newzeland too

  8. england is

    pakistan is

    and i dont think australia are planing to start one

  9. yes,they  have  similar plans

  10. Pakistan Is going to start a Premier League.But,I'm not sure about Australia,England .

  11. england will definitely have one soon.pakistan is also popular place for having tournaments and australia has the largest pool of good players in the i suppose they would both start.should be fun...we should then have a champions league sort of thing

  12. England and the West Indies are, others will follow

  13. no

  14. It is all about money, yes if they can throw some money out.

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