
Are our aristocrats going soft?

by  |  earlier

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A preoccupation with horses dying, Olympic morality, saving the planet and so forth, or silence... Only Chalfont is keeping the side up.

Has post-Aintree depression softened the aristocratic mind?




  1. I've noticed too I think they are all depressed by Rotters suspension- may they rise again .

  2. Oi,  im an aristercrat!

  3. `going` soft? when were they of any use after the first generation (possibly) anyhow?

  4. You're quite right my dear.  I shall command a servant to run my bath, and have champagne and chocs brought in on a silver tray.  Might have a go on the rickshaw being pulled by tockerz, too.  Tally ho chaps!

  5. Their not bothered about me, so why should I care about them. I think most of them are a bunch of thoughtless louts living off maters or paters money.  So who cares?

  6. Nuke China.  How's that for soft?

  7. Chalfont was nothing before Wilson ennobled him.

    A true aristocrat is interested in nothing but horses, drinking and s*x.  Rather similar to some sections of the working class in fact.

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