
Are our children being over-tested in the education system these days?

by  |  earlier

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I think they are punished enough. Once upon a time it was the cane. Now it's mental abuse. Filling their young minds with useless stuff which they only remember for the duration of the testing period they revised for.

Some schools are just wretched institutes.

We need to adopt a change in teaching - thus teaching the teachers new methods of embracing all childrens hidden abilities instead of a small closed curriculum.

We should all be adopting the Steiner/Waldorf philosophies of teaching for our precious young future. Education is everything that maketh man from day 1 to the end.

See below for links and more info on Steiner's philosophies of education:




  1. please we dont need more hippie bullshit we need stricter education more math!!! every generation is becoming more idiotic

  2. I think you're preaching to the choir - most of us agree with you.

    We're testing these kids to death!

  3. i agree with you. most young people today are being abused by the changing educational system of our society but haven,t produced as inteligent as newton or einstein who lived in the past where basic education was the onli means.

  4. China has a very bad system, I feel sorry for those poor children!

    Long hours, lots of work and very strict teachers!

    Discipline method here?  Shout and make the children feel like they are the lowest thing on the Earth!

    Don't know how many crying children i have consoled :(

  5. i agree

  6. you have a good point! lol im in school and they teach us c**p you will never use in real life...Im sick of studying c**p that i dont even need to know.

  7. The reason there is so much testing is because of the NCLB law. Students have to take state test once a year for this, but they have 'practice' tests all year long!

    Teachers even teach kids HOW to take the test!

    They even give the kids the ANSWERS to the test, becuase this is ALL they teach all year long !

    All this happens because the better the state test scores, the MORE MONEY teh school gets.

    All they want is that money. To h**l if the kids aer abused and whatever.

    The kids are coming out of schools mindless and not knowing a thing except for what is spoon fed to them.

  8. Are you crazy? Tests are good. It is just that stupid morons don't study, and then get bad grades on their tests, and then people come up with these stupid theorys that tests are bad.

    If people weren't so lazy and would actually study for tests, and not have it stuck in their minds that they were bad, then this stupid stuff wouldn't happen!

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