With the govt not allowinig us to use our own eneryg sources (coal, oil, shale oil, etc) energy costs are soaring. National Firms state that a simple policy statement opening up drilling will drop oil futures prices dramatically. Why won't they do it?
Every studne tand techer of economics knows that increasing taxes during times of economic turmoil creates dramatic economic trouble. So why are they promissing to raise taxes?
If our govt keeps this up we'l all become unoffical slaves of the state as we become no longer able to provide for oursleves. What little we are able to earn will be taxed more and more. We will depend of the state for heat and transportaion. More and more of us will depend of the state for housing and food as well.
How long before we become a nation of slaves?
Is there anything we can do t get govt to help us by drilling and producing mroe domestic energy? Lowering taxes? etc. etc. etc.?