
Are our national Energy and Tax policy Making us all slaves of the state?

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With the govt not allowinig us to use our own eneryg sources (coal, oil, shale oil, etc) energy costs are soaring. National Firms state that a simple policy statement opening up drilling will drop oil futures prices dramatically. Why won't they do it?

Every studne tand techer of economics knows that increasing taxes during times of economic turmoil creates dramatic economic trouble. So why are they promissing to raise taxes?

If our govt keeps this up we'l all become unoffical slaves of the state as we become no longer able to provide for oursleves. What little we are able to earn will be taxed more and more. We will depend of the state for heat and transportaion. More and more of us will depend of the state for housing and food as well.

How long before we become a nation of slaves?

Is there anything we can do t get govt to help us by drilling and producing mroe domestic energy? Lowering taxes? etc. etc. etc.?




  1. It seems that is where this country is headed UNLESS we the people revolt and vote for a candidate that would actually get this Country back on track.  The Liberal Politicians actually are PUSHING socialism and with it Marxism.  That is NOT what I want for or from my Country, not for me, not for my kids, not for my grand kids.


  2. i don't think that it is intentional, but the road to h**l is paved with good intentions

  3. We already are slaves to the state. We give 30% of our income to them.

  4. If we tear down our economy in the name of energy the enviromentalists and the liberals win.  We have allowed special interest groups to get rich and run our politicians all in the name of Big $$$$$.  While everyone criticizes the Bush Administration he and his administration have really done a good job with the economy.  Now he has made many other decisions that have not set to well with the American Public but as far as the economy goes he and his administration have done a good job keeping it propped up.  No one seems to remember that we were in a recession when he took office and he brought us out of it despite the fact we were attacked etc.  Now we have Barack Obama as a presidential candidate who says that he will change the politics of Washington.  He won't pander to special interest groups.  I think the American Public will be fools to believe his rhetoric.  Since the Democratic party has taken control of the house and senate the economy has done nothing but get worse.  They pander to environmentalist groups and as a matter of fact environmetalist groups run the show for them Barack Obama included.  To further tax big oil is a grave mistake because it does not hurt big oil but the American People.  Why?  Because we will pay that tax at the pump.  By ramping up drilling efforts we will see our economy explode.  My local community is a prime example of this.  I live in East Texas where the oil and gas field is very hot.  We are not suffering job loss as a matter of fact we have more jobs than can be filled because of the oil and gas sector.  The housing market is not suffering because we can afford to buy homes due to the fact that most oil and gas jobs are better paying than most proffesional jobs.  Sure gas prices are hurting us all a little bit but our local economy is booming.  Wahsington needs to come down here and take a look around.  THe oil companies have actually beautified the land they have drilled and a lot of landowners are actually getting their places "fixed up."  WE THE PEOPLE are becoming slaves to what the government does.  There may very well be a revolt if this continues.

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