
Are parakeets easy to maintain?

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Give me your experience please.

The two main issues are noise and smell.

If they keep you up at night please tell me or if they are a pleasure to have tell me too. Thanks




  1. Well any bird you get will be making noise, you have got to learn to enjoy their songs, remember deaf people never have the blessing of hearing a bird sing. They are easy to care for if you don't mind cleaning up after them sometimes, and they will only smell bad if you don't clean up after them and if you do not change out their water on a regular basis.  

  2. Parakeets are really great pets... i can tell you that because i have six at the moment.  6 of them are easy to care for and one is a breeze.They don't smell at all! The only time they produce a small odor is if the cage isn't cleaned for some time. For the noise level, generally they are quiet if there is no loud music playing or anything to excite them.(girls are slightly quieter) A blanket over their cage at night will allow you and them both to sleep peacefully. They are definitely a pleasure to have as a pet.  You can tame them easily so you can hold them and even teach them tricks. They can even learn to talk!! They dont require much and are super inexpensive!! Good luck!

  3. I had a friend whose girlfriend gave him one as a present, and it never shut up (the bird, not the girlfriend ;) ).  I didn't notice any smell from the birds, but then again, my friend kept a messy apartment. All I know is when I visited him, I wish he had a clever cat that would take care of the bird....but that only happens in cartoons.

  4. Extremely easy.


    - They may be noisy sometimes, but that's what make them cute. A budgie (parakeet) that are more talkative tends to be one that like to talk!

    - My budgie talks quite often but it is talking instead of chirping so its cute.


    - okay, they have no smell. Their waste don't stink. (:

    - You can only smell them if you put it close your nose. :D

    - Just make sure you bathe them.

  5. iii have one iiits whiiite we named her pearl no there so easy all you have to do iiis wash there cage ever week and giiiive them clean food and water every day cause the eat liiike a lot every day but iiit depends on your biiirds personaliity cause m my other one diidnt eat as much hope iii helped you and they def. dont smeel bad just make sure to clecn the cage regularly

  6. They r very easy to take care of i started off with a parakeet and they dont smell and are very quite

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