
Are paranormnal spirits in all black bad ones?

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I usually see these ones out of the corner of my eye.




  1. you have to ask them..

  2. This question probably doesn't belong in science, but I'll take a scientific crack at it.  Have you ever noticed that when you look at stars in the sky, especially clusters of stars, you see them really well out of the corner of your eye, but then when you look straight at them, they almost disappear?

    That is because of the number of rods and cones in the different parts of your eye.  The "corner of your eye" is very sensitive to contrast (like white stars on a black background).  The center is not.  

    The phenomenon that you describe is not paranormal and it is not spirits.  It was your eye's ability to distinguish contrast better in the corner of your eye.  This is why the "objects" are black, not green or red and also why they disappear when you look straight at them.  It is likely a shadow, a dark curtain, or other dark object that you are seeing from the corner of your eye.  Without being there, this is the best explanation possible.  Spirits would come waaaaaaaaay down the list of possible explanations.

  3. I don't know maybe its something to do with funerals with all this black clothes or what ever whats with you and ghosts anyway maybe you live in an old house that is very haunted i can see ghosts in black they was walking down a street like in another dimension its weird sometimes i can see ghosts but once i saw some monks across my field and they where wearing brown

  4. No. Most people, in my experience, can't even see spirits. But those who can will see them in different ways depending on the strength of the spirit and the person themselves. Sometimes you see them as clearly as if you're seeing another person but if the spirit is weaker, doesn't want to be seen clearly, or the person just isn't experienced then they'll just be dark shapes and sometimes only be visible when you aren't thinking about it. Once your mind focuses on it then they'll dissappear because you don't yet know how to focus and see them. Don't worry about them though, if they were going to do you harm then you'd know it. As long as you don't get bad feelings near them then I'm sure they're innocent and you've nothing to fear.

  5. i think some are and some aren't... i saw a "shadow person" out of the corner of my eye only once and i don't think it was evil or bad...

  6. If they only happen in the corner of your eye I would think it was just a shadow or your mind playing tricks on you. I am by all means far from being a skeptic but the one time I saw "something" I saw it straight on.

  7. I have seen black things out of the corner of my eye as well, I even seen one standing in front of me [NO JOKE] wrote Paranormal State about it! Well that is what this one dude said on here when I got best answer he wrote a review and said " Oh and that black figure you saw is common and a dangerous spirit!" I hope not, keep yourself safe!!

  8. I'm agnostic and am pretty much undecided about things like God, Satan, ghosts, spirits spooks, devils, and things that go "bump" in the night.  However, that does not mean I haven't done my share of reading and contemplation on the subject.  According to what I know of the Bible spirits are either considered pretty much non-existant (with the exception of the holy spirit) or they are harmless, depending on the particular religion.  (Catholocism is another story all together)  The devils minions, while evil, are not prone to personal physical attacks and are more likely just to try to lead you away from the teachings of Christ.  

    According to somy psychics like Silvia Brown (who I personally believe is a complete charlitan) nearly all spirits, ghosts, and  beings of a paranormal existance are not evil.

    Personally, I'm less likely to believe in spirits and more inclined to believe in self-generated phenominon.  I think the human brain is much more powerful and has abilities that most people cannot even begin to realize.  Many people believe that pots, pans, and dishes flying across the room are the results of polterghiests, but my own belief is that it is more likely the results of an overstimulated mind, and there is quite a lot of data showing that when such things occure it is in the presence of pubescent age girls going through harmonal changes.

    Who knows?  We may never know.  However, I would not be overly worried about it.  If you are truely troubled by it then by all means get a priest or minister and have your house cleansed and/or exorcised.  It may or may not help,  but it definitely can't hurt.

  9. no, that is just one way that they are able to manifest.

  10. No.  They are also called Shadow persons and the theory is that they do not have enough energy to fully manifest or appear, so they look like a shadow.  I have seen them in two separate places.  One, in a desecrated grave yard and one where a supposed Indian massacre took place.  They were not bad.  They did seem very curious.  There was a kind of longing feeling in the air like they wanted to get closer but could or would not.  I think people are scared of them because they are black in color and people associate that with evil in the paranormal world.

  11. I certainly hope not for your own good.

  12. These "shadow figures" are becoming increasingly common.

    There's no reason to think that they're good or bad any more than most people are. They seem to get creeped out by us as much as we do by them.

    Nothing evil about that, in my book.

  13. No, I think they are just being fashionable :)

    Okay, just kidding. Consider your visual acuity. Our vision is very perceptive to colors except in our periphery. These visual receptor cells are called "rods" and "cones". Cones are sensitive to color, while rods are adapted to vision in darkness. While rods are 1000 times as sensitive as cones, they still are very poor in sensing color.

    Cones are concentrated in the center of our eyes and very few are in the peripheral parts. The lack of cones in our peripheral vision means we cannot interpret colors well. However, the super-sensitive rods are very attuned to picking up movement of any kind. I think humans evolved with this kind of vision to be able to sense when we are being preyed upon and to also have excellent forward looking vision to be hunters ourselves, sort of a compromise.

    Anyhow, this vision can also lead to optical illusions where we think we see something ouf the corner of our eyes, and it is usually black or dark in appearance. I'm sure that's all it was.

  14. I see these too. I was a bit freaked out, but someone told me it was my grandma's dad looking out for me. Now I feel more safe.

    So to answer your question, I don't think all black ones are bad.

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