
Are parts of the coast of Northern Spain remote and desolate, or is the entire coastline heavily visited?

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Could anyone tell me whether the coast of Northern Spain (Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Euskadi/Basque Country) has any remote stretches with no cities or towns, where one would probably not find any other people, throughout the year?

Some sources suggest that there are long, remote, generally empty stetches of coastline (especially farther west), but other people have told me that there are towns pretty much along the whole length, while still others have told me that there are long stretches with no towns, but that at least during the month of August even the most remote of these are filled with a fair amount of people.

It would be ESPECIALLY helpful if someone could tell me whether the more secluded stretches could be compared with any specific part of the Northern California coastline, in terms of remoteness and lack of people.

Thanks, amigos!




  1. I think most of coast of North Galicia- lugo and Coruña provinces- are not very populated. Go to web Galiciaonline and try a hiding house.

  2. I agree that Asturias has a lot to offer.  You can even find basically deserted beacher.  Of course, you have to walk down the cliff (easy) than back up it.  Great food and beautiful scenery.

  3. Take a look at the information on:

  4. I've been to Asturias a couple times, my husband is from there.  There were a few places where there was nothing, just the beautiful green cliffs and the ocean.    You should definitely find spots on the northern part of Spain that are secluded.  Asturias is so beautiful you should visit it one day if you haven't already.

  5. I have been to Asturias, Cantabria and Pais Vasco.  In Asturias and Cantabria there are some pretty empty stretches where the mountains come straight down to the sea -- and only a few fishing villages. I would say you ae correct in that the farther East you go the more populated it is.

  6. Spain is many countries all rolled into one therefore the culture in Spain is very varied and interesting. Its Atlantic shores and the huge plains of the interior have very distinct characteristics. For more see

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