
Are pastors kids usually always acting worse than regular kids?

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Are pastors kids usually always acting worse than regular kids?




  1. well if i had been repressed and tortured by religion i would be pretty p*ssed

  2. They probably act about the same as most average kids, although I've also noticed that our Cantor's 2 kids are the most obnoxious monsters in our temple.  The husband seems to try to discipline them, but it doesn't appear to be working very well.

    I suppose it's fairly normal these days with parents being too busy to spend enough time with their kids and train them properly.  that's not an excuse for them to do so, but it's a fact of reality in today's world.   d=(

  3. They appear to be, but it mostly our expectations.  Usually, when they start their teenage rebellion years, they go against everything that their parents stand for.  Of course, the rest of us expect them to be similar to their parents in beliefs and actions.  So, naturally, the behavior appears far more extreme to us than it actually is.

  4. I think they probably act the same as regular kids BUT we kind of expect more from them.  Its like preacher's kids live under a magnifying glass and we all gossip about every little mistake they make.

  5. The pastor's kids in the church I grew up in were REALLY REAAAALLLLLY well behaved!  They're both in their 30s now and are still really well behaved!  They're both kind, generous and loving people.

    I don't think it's got anything to do with what the parent does for a living, it's more what kind of people they are, and the values they teach their children as well as the example they set.

    Having said that, I know a few other pastor's kids - they're nuts! hahahahaha

    I think it seems they go off the deep end worse than other kids because people have such high expectations of them.  I don't think they're any worse than other kids though.

  6. no sometimes they conform. Sometimes they act out. And sometimes they are good until they leave home and they go wild. Usually they show some sort of suppressed emotion though .

  7. yes Pk's are. atleast the one that i knew were.

  8. They probably act good in front of their parents and very well-behaved but when their backs are turned they act like any normal average kid maybe even a little worse because they are under a lot pressure by their parents to be spiritual all the time etc.

  9. Where I grew up, there was a slang term, PK, for kids behaving wildly out of control. It stood for 'preacher's kid.'

    Quite a few kids of religious leaders seem to become oppositional, refusing to set the good example their parents hope for and instead defying the goodie-two-shoes image by being among the worst-behaved kids in the community, especially as teenagers. Sometimes their actions have negative consequences which haunt them the rest of their lives, like arrest records, jailhouse rapes in juvenile detention, or unwanted pregnancies.

  10. Pastor's kids are just like any other kids.  Some might be more well behaved, some less.  It's important to keep in mind that they are just kids.  Just because their parents answered a call to serve, doesn't mean that the kids did.

    As a former youth pastor, I found it very frustrating when people placed higher expectations on my kids than the other kids in the church.

  11. My last two experiences were: One family with 2 kids, one each gender, the girl came out fine, while the boy was a little rebellious. However, he was always respectful of his parents and the church, though stopped attending. His parents though hurt, said okay and let him find himself.

    Second had 4 or 5 kids (could never figure it out) and the kids I did meet (1 oldest, 1 middle) were great kids. The boy again though respectful, I saw him a few times and acted similar to the one I spoke of from the other family. These parents made their children attend church and all other functions regularly. So I guess what I'm saying is like all other familes, each family will be different, as will each child.

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