
Are people accountable for the actions of their government in a democracy? ?

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Are people accountable for the actions of their government in a democracy? ?




  1. They should be. The government is suppose to be a reflection of our desires and values. After all, we voted them in.

  2. Hellz no. Hardly anyone in America approves of Bush or his war by now. It's against the law to declare war without the approval of congress. Did Bush care? NO. If America is a democracy, the people should have more say in things. Then they'd be responsible

  3. No. After the goverement is voted in, there is no gurantee they will follow on what they said to get elected. They could have lied to their people. After they get into office, it's what they do with the country. They mess up the country, it's their fault, the Govt. improves the country, it is the Govt. fault.

  4. No, we entrust the running of our daily lives to an elected group of people. If the government screws up, how can it be our fault? We didn't know it was going to happen. Or rather, those with foresight probably did and tried to warn everyone what an idiot the candidate was, but no-one listened. As is the case in the UK. We didn't even elect the b*****d, he seized the reigns of power. ******* socialists.

  5. Not the ones who didn't vote for Bush/Cheney!

  6. Technically, I would say yes since we voted them into office.

  7. Yes, If you vote the Government in so you are accountable for your governments deeds and actions.

  8. I could argue the "Yes" position, but it's not so easy to leave your country if you want, is it?

  9. Yeah because Democracy is mob rule. Thankfully we are not a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.

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