
Are people afraid to express thier true views against obama for fear of being called a racist?

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I ask this because any time people get into a heated discussion about how obama's political beliefs are wrong for this country some liberal always plays the race card. Also do you think the pollsters are being lied to about the majority of people voting for obama because back in 04 it turned out that most people lied when they said they were voting for kerry.




  1. But really are u also afraid of writing these down an calling obama a racist?

      At obama's back do u know how many ppl calling him a good for nothing?this ppl also don't they express their views also?

      Man u have small point

  2. im not a racist, tho i do believe you are by which the company you keep. behind the attack on the pentagon white house etc, back in the 70's. tho no one was hurt, hey that is still considered a terroristic attack.

    oh and um, his assocoiation with ares for 49 million, whered that money go?

    obama has some shady past. he isnt as forthcoming as he would like for ppl to think.

    the mudslinging shall commence.

    but im just looking for answers.

    DONT CALL ME A RACIST! cause i have served with all kinds in the army, i call it as i see it. its called character and obamas is soooo questionable.

  3. The media certainly is.  But average people are above that.

    He's a horrible candidate because he has no experience and his policy statements suck.

  4. I never thought about that.

    Some people like myself are proud that the country is finally being open to a black man for president, but, like me, can't support this particular black man because of his views.

    So I could see such a person stating they would vote for him to be part of history, but really voting agaisnt him when the time comes.

    But, to be fair, I could see the reverse happening as well.

  5. yes, yes, yes.

  6. Have you not seen how people trash him? Calling him every bad name in the book?

  7. Not me.

    I've said all along that he's a liberal scumbag.

  8. I am a conservative.  Obam is a left wing liberal loony.  I would not vote for him, even if he painted himself white and sang "God Bless America" at every campaign stop.

    Anyone who thinks I am a racist, can think anything he likes.  

  9. call me what you want.......names shall never harm me......if anybody is racist Obama is

  10. No more than I am afraid of expressing my views about Palin and being called a sexist.

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