
Are people aware of this ammesty plan for illegals with this senator?His name is Rep. Bart Stupak?

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The open-borders Members of Congress are not giving up on their plan to reward illegal aliens with a 5-year amnesty to flood the country with more foreign workers during our current economic downturn.

The latest attempt is coming from Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), who is floating a bill (it has not been introduced yet and there is no bill number) around Congress that would accomplish the same amnesty/foreign worker increases that we have been fighting for the past few weeks.

The open-borders Members of Congress are desperate to vote on an amnesty bill before our side can force a vote on the enforcement-only SAVE Act (H.R. 4088), which would increase border security and take jobs away from illegal workers.




  1. Thanks for the tip. I am in Oregon and we are being overrun and more people are being replaced in the work force every day.

  2. Quite remarkable. Congressman Stupak is not from a State which borders Mexico. Neither are any of the Senators identified in the link which you provided. All of those involved can save a great deal of time and money by passing a Federal law similar to the State law passed in Arizona. That law attaches both monetary and criminal penalties to any employer who knowingly hires an illegal alien. As a result of this law, and its enforcement, the Governor of the Mexican State of Sonora went to Phoenix to beg for easing up on the law because his fellow countrymen are arriving back in Sonora State and there are no jobs for them or housing available.

    I find it laughable that Federal legislators who are furthest from the problem can't look to the States which do border Mexico to see if a solution is there which could serve as a Federal model.

    I can see the merits of a guest worker program. But, amnesty is out of the question. I didn't like it when James Earl Carter III granted it to draft dodgers who had fled to Canada during Vietnam. I don't want to see it granted to campasinos who came into the country illegally.

  3. You know whats more sad is the message it sends our youth.

    This tells my son ( who is 7 ) that if you and your friends break the law, if there is enough of you than it's OK and you may be rewarded.

         Why are we not defending our borders? If the majority of Americans wanted open borders it would have already been done.

         Also if we open our borders what would be the point of even having our own country name or flag?

         I served in the US army for 7 years proudly. I didn't Imagine my fellow soldiers lives that had been lost were meant to be lost so the few could take our country away from the many.

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