
Are people bored? or is it just me?

by Guest44896  |  earlier

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Hiya people =] just wondering if anyone has any ideas of fun things to do during summer. if u do i'd luv it if you send me any ideas x




  1. hang with friends, go downtown, go to the beach/pool, take walks, go canoeing, camping, hiking, just chill and read a book, play some sports. ya knowww.

  2. Boredom is an early form of depression. It is not a healthy state. It indicates that you have not developed your talents and interests and formed habits of active life.

    A list of summer activities may help, but it will not address the underlying problem, which is that you are not sufficiently interested in life.

    To address this problem you will have to spend some of your valuable summer time reading books. Books about any of your interests will help you deepen them, so you find more pleasure in pursuing them. Find people you admire and read their life stories. Do many of the things they did at your stage of life. If they played sports, play sports. If they did science projects, do those. If they walked and attended closely to nature, do that.

    A special kind of reading will be about your life goals and self-development. There are tons of great books about this. You may know about the Wish List.

    It is a list of thousands of great things you may wish to do and be. I read it along with my wife, and we selected hundreds of things we want to do, and are now doing many of them.

    Another very good book that goes well with the Wish List is Wishcraft.

    Spend the remaining days of summer doing active things and reading to discover your own trus wishes.

    Lots of luck.

  3. go camping, fish, ride atvs/atcs, swim, biking, tan, hiking...ect

  4. swimming gives you endless fun lol

  5. Very bored, that's why I'm on hear. But I guess I could give you some fun summer ideas. Swimming is a classic, but it get's old. Find a corn field, and bring a group of friends, then just play the good game of hide and seek. It's way better to play at night, just way more creepy, and fun. Water balloons, then go on top of some building where people walk underneath. Then just start dropping the balloons, it's always a knee slapper.  

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