
Are people born g*y or is it a choice?

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I was watching Oprah once .....and the topic of the day was homosexuality. She brought in a whole bunch of people on the show talking about their g*y lives and coming out stories and so forth. Well Oprah made a comment and she believes that people are EITHER born g*y or make the choice.

I personally believe people are born g*y - just like your born with the color of skin or eyes. If there is any confusion in identifying one as being g*y or straight, I simply believe that certain people are born bisexual. Thats why I feel apprehensive when people associate being g*y as a lifestyle. Yes, we are a culture of our own but do Asians or Black communities preach about how "choosing" to be Asian was the best decision they made.

I never chose to be g*y, I just knew it. Well thats the perspective I'm coming from, what are your thoughts?




  1. I think that people are born g*y

  2. god gives us obstacles when we come into life to see if we can follow him without falling to temptation. in this case you are born g*y, but it's you actions that define it.

  3. You're born g*y, i felt this since i was 5 years old, why would anybody in their right mind choose to be something that is known to be unexceptable by one would.

  4. Personally, I know that I didn't make any choice to be g*y.  It was something that I fought tooth and nail for about 10 years.  However, there are some g*y people in here who are good, regular contributors, and they swear that they chose to be g*y.  I really don't understand that, but since I respect them in everything else they say, then maybe SOME of us do make that choice.

    But I totally don't get it.

  5. I think people are born g*y; I've always sort of known that I'm g*y.

  6. It's unfortunate that society 'chooses' to hate things they don't understand.  It's also unfortunate that g*y people cannot 'choose' to be straight without messing up a whole lot of lives, including their own...(I wonder, some times, how 'straights' would feel about a g*y person marrying one of their children and pretending to be straight...having children...and living a 'lie'...  Just where are all those 'straight' people when it comes to 'volunteering' one of their children for this 'pending' tragedy...).  Believe it or not, being g*y was never much of an 'issue' till Queen Victoria 'made' it fashionable to hate homosexuals.  You'd have thought a 'queen' would have had better things to do...  Maybe she caught her hubby in the sack with 'her' favourite man...hahaha...

  7. You are totally right, it's not a choice.

  8. its never a choice..

    you're either born with it.. or the environment around you..

  9. Absolutely not a conscious choice. Don't know if I was 'born g*y' or developed homosexual tendencies because of life circumstances. Consider that different people  have different histories and there may not be one answer to the question. Why is the 'born or choice' question  permanent here?

  10. All the g*y people I know (myself included) did NOT choose it.  It is NATURAL.  It's just as natural as being straight, except we like the same gender.  

    I've LOVED guys since I can remember...  which is about 4 years old.  I remember dreaming about guys even at that age.  

    So NO it wasn't a choice and NO it wasn't how I was brought up.  I was brought up in a very loving family.  I was raised to be straight, not g*y.  But look what happened?  I'm g*y! =)  And you know what?  I'm happy about it.

  11. honestly, it depend on who you are and why you are, I was born g*y, I've never been attracted to guys, and ever since I can remeber I LOVED looking at those hot sport illustrated model [haha]

    but other peoples reason are like they were hurt by a man before and decided they've been heart bropken to many times and want somebody more faithful, but there are lots of reason so either way

  12. People can say what they want on how they believe it's a choice, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not a choice. Straight people did not choose to be straight and the majority of everyone is straight, so they believe everyone is straight but some CHOOSE to be g*y.

    In about 20% of identical twin studies, when one twin was homosexual, the other was also. So we know it's not completely biological. Yet, circumstantial evidence shows it is rarely environmental. I'm the only g*y person among my siblings. They were raised in the same environment as me, but they're straight.

    Nothing influenced me to be g*y either. I wasn't molested, or seduced, or anything like that. I had g*y feelings before I even knew what g*y was. For me, I can't understand how people believe it's a choice. I liked guys before I even knew what g*y was. Then when I found out what g*y was and that g*y people exist and the feelings a g*y person feels are MY feelings, that's when I realized I must be g*y.

    So if it isn't completely biological, but not environmental, what causes it? Many scientists now believe that ALL humans are born bisexual. As the person gets a little older, they gravitate towards a sexual orientation.

    The reason I believe this is the cause is because males and females have similar body structures except for genitalia. Men actually have the capability to produce breast milk. They even have the body structure and everything. It's just a simple chemical in the brain to tell it not to produce the milk.

    Everyone's s*x drive in the brain is the same. In g*y men and straight women, the chemicals lean toward the "male" side. In lesbians and straight men the chemicals lean toward the "female" side. The brain is otherwise the same for everything else.

    I seriously doubt however that the brains chemicals for g*y or straight is predetermined before birth. So inessence, no one is born g*y or straight, and no one chooses to be g*y or straight.

    HOWEVER, this in no way implies homosexuality is unnatural. On the contrary, nature has at least some part in it. That's because no matter what environment the person is raised in, or how the person is brought up, it does not have a bearing in sexual orientation.

    There is no way to shift these chemicals to reverse someone's sexual orientation. Once they're in place, the other side goes dormant. If the person is bisexual, then the chemicals haven't settled yet, but once that person settles down with the s*x they prefer, it will.

    However, it also doesn't mean that you can prevent homosexuality before it goes "hardwired". It seems no matter what one does to prevent it, if it is going to happen, it will. There's no way around it.

    It's no ones fault if they are g*y or straight. Homosexuality AND heterosexuality are natural variations of human sexuality. People are just going to have to get over it if they believe otherwise.

  13. What? How can she believe in both of those ideas? That doesn't make sense. Who would willing choose to be g*y considering all of the c**p that we have to go through? Don't get me wrong, I love who I am, but it's hard being different than the majority.

  14. born g*y, far from a choice! ; ]

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