
Are people born with a voice to sing or can you just take lessons and sing better?

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I'm 16 years old and I like to sing along to my favorite songs by Drake Bell and others when I sing along to the songs my voice to me sounds pretty fine but when I sang for a talent show at my high school the other students were rude that they bo'od me off the stage.

PS: How can I make my voice sound better?

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  1. I think to at least some extent some natural born talent will be needed to become an excellent singer. Lessons help.

  2. you must be born with an ability and most people must unlock that ability through lessons.

  3. record yourself and then see if you sound good!

    they couldve booed you for lodza reasons tho so dont take it to heart

    leasons can make anyone a decent singer

    but you have to have it in you to be a top class singer!

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