
Are people buying into Ben Steins new movie "Expelled"?

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The full movie titled "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" has been presented at numerous theatres in the last couple months, and I haven't seen much in the news about it. One of my good friends the other day remarked that he believed that all existence was initiated by an invisible sky daddy about 6000 years ago, and all the education and proof presented to him, wasn't going to sway his 'opinion'. He hasn't even seen the movie, and I am terrified that otherwise logical people who may not be entirely well versed on the subject may come to the same conclusion, and a movie like this will only further their misconceptions. Intelligent Design has long been criticized by opponents of creationism as a poorly veiled version of creationism, and it has been marketed as a plausible alternative to evolution. It relies on faith without evidence, and evidence based on faith. A perfectly circular argument.




  1. No Intelligence Allowed describes the movie content rather well. The movie demonstrates NOT suppression of alternative ideas, but a failure to recognize the difference between science and philosophy. The term Darwinism is just a convenient way of making a science, backed up by 200 years of evidence, look like a philosophy or a "religion".

    The number of times that logical fallacies are committed in this film is mind boggling. For instance, it equates evolution theory with Atheism, which it then equates with Hilter (not an Atheist) and Stalin. Even if these false conclusions were true, they have no bearing on the theory of evolution. The movie never makes a decent case for showing evolution as false, and as another website has pointed out so well: Not Expelled, Flunked.

    Science is science and it boils down to "Show me the money". The reason that the so called Persecuted scientists are no longer working at those institutions is because they were practicing something other than science, not because they were making a valid scientific point that contradicted evolution or other evidence based theories.

    Please - see the movie if you like, but with a critical eye. There should be no "Suspension of disbelief" since this is supposed to be a documentary. It is full of propaganda and lacks an honest approach. Its rather amazing that they were actually so transparent in their attempts to make their point. This movie flunks as a documentary.

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