
Are people calling Obama a terrorist because they can't call him what they want to ? Meaning the N word !?

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Are people calling Obama a terrorist because they can't call him what they want to ? Meaning the N word !?




  1. Who knows what the reason is, other than that he sat on a board with a known terrorist, William (Bill) Ayers of The Weather Underground.

    One thing Obama should be called is a socialist.

  2. I do not think of him as a terrorist but I do question his group of friends.  Bill Ayers comes to mind............

  3. No they are calling him a terrorist because they believe he's associated with some VERY anti-American people.

    The 'secret' desire to hurl racial epitaphs is demagoguery.   I.e. political BS aimed at silencing any criticism of Obama, legitimate or otherwise.

    Like calling anyone criticizing Hillary a sexist.  Which has kind of backfired since she didn't make the ticket & McCain chose a woman VP.  

    Watch the fun as the Dem's get seriously smacked around with the sexist label as they attempt to smear Palin.

  4. They are?  

  5. I didn't see anyone not even republicans calling him terrorist or a Ni99er

    you are the only one doing it

  6. No, I never use the N word, and I'm not prejiduce.  I'm calling him a terrorist because he is! duh!

  7. NO!!!!! Ask him about William Ayers

  8. I call him a terrorist sympathizer because of his professional and personal relationship with Ayers a man who bombed the Pentagon and the US Capitol. I have a real problem with the fact that he does not have a problem with that..and please do not say that it happened so long ago it should not matter..would you be friends with Berkowitz just because his serial killings were so long ago. Even Hillary Clinton has problems with Obama and Ayers relationship.

  9. Reaching, much?

    Mind you 'terrorist' is bizarre...

  10. You mean we should be calling him numbskull.

  11. No, it's just his name. And those people who are calling him a terrorists are immature kids.

  12. some are

  13. I think they want to call him that, too, but I think naming him a terrorist is a ploy similar to what the Bush administration did---using false appeals to patriotism in order to instill guilt within anyone who disagrees with their ludicrous policies.

    Sorry, Repubs, but I'm not stupid or gullible enough to fall for that.

  14. I have lots of nice names for Obie. And no-one can tell me what to say or think.

  15. yeppers

  16. You hit the nail on the head

  17. I would say they are calling him that because of his percentage of arabic blood and scat african american blood!

    He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.

    What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave s hips. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

    The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.

    Association with Bill Ayers might contribute too!

  18. I call him the N-word all the time!  Narcissist!

  19. No, racism isn't as bad as everyone on both sides are attempting to make it out to be.

    No, what they are doing is throwing sh*t at a wall and seeing what sticks.

    On a sidenote, I am surprised though that Republicans don't believe in evolution.  I mean chimps all throw their c**p whenever they are angry, doesn't it just seem like Republicans and Democrats are the next stage in evolution?  

  20. Poeple are calling him both. People also call Palin a redneck, hick, hillbilly, white see where I'm going, it's a two way steet.

  21. uh, i hear people call him a "ni**er" all the time

  22. That is ridiculous.

    The issue of race is a distractor that is used by Obama and his minions to change the subject when a subject that is uncomfortable for them is raised.

    Obama has connections to a number of Terrorists including confessed Terrorists William Ayres, Bernardine Dohrn and Donald Warden (aka Khalid Mansour).

    The Obama minions do not have an answer to these questions because the facts are true. Obama has long time connections to these dangerous Terrorists.

    The tactic of the  Obama minions is to attempt to change the subject by accusing the asker of racism rather than address the question of why does Barack Obama have so many long time connections to dangerous Terrorists.

  23. ok #1 we need to decriminalize the "N" word because it retains hate & divides our country #2 look up obamas cousin ondinga who tried to usurp the kenyan govt & establish training camps for muslim radicals on the somali border

  24. It's either that or it's because he doesn't have his ancestral slave name ! Lets face it and be totally honest regardless of party affilation, most red blooded Americans DO NOT WANT A BLACK MAN sitting in the oval office as President of this country and that my friend is the sad factual truth despite what some may say ! They also do not want a woman sitting in the oval office as well unless of course she's from the local brothel  peddling her wares.

    This election proves we as Americans have a long, long, long way to go in terms of race and sexism in this country

    I've yet to see any concrete proof that Obama is somehow associated with terrorist but if anyone has proof that he is, please provide a link to the information !

  25. No because he associates with a terrorist who assisted in the bombing of the Pentagon in he 1970's.

  26. LOL!!!

    that would be funny...."look at that TERRORIST driving a Escalade"

  27. Mediterranean Warrior if you hear people calling Obama a ni**er all the time the obviously you associate yourself with racists.

    I'm one of the republicans that have been targeted as calling him a ni**er yet I have never witnessed anyone use that word to describe him.

  28. Narcissist?

    edit:dang somone beat me props to Mark

  29. NO its because he keeps saying things like he stands behind Islam no matter what happens politically ..even though islam has declared war on the entire non muslim world ( source: qur'an and hadiths )  and even though Islam demands that its members commit genocides worldwide  ( source : qur'an  and hadiths ) and even though he keeps claiming he is christian.   So... hmmmmmm.  No it isn't about racism ...which he calls for politicians to use the "race card" in one of his books  ..and he has done that several times himself publically so far.  

    He even called his own white grandmother a racist and he himself calls white people "whiteys" and I think there is a video out where he calls whites crackers ... I could be incorrect about that though..but not about his whitey comments .. ..though he continues to stand behind Islam which STILL owns BLACK slaves .. along with many different races of slaves.

    He is a hypocrite of MAJOR proportions.  His children are miracles but his own grandchildren are potential punishments deserving of being murdered as they are being born?

    Incidentally I have never heard anyone except for some people on this panel call Obama the "n" word and in some YouTube videos, some of which are made by blacks and I have no idea if those are democrats or republicans or indeoendents or libertarians.

  30. I have never called him a terrorist.

    I do call him a racist Socialist.

  31. He was a Peace Activist! Anti-War Hippie!

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