
Are people from F.Y.R.O.M. Bulgarians of a remote Bulgarian territory?

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Were/ are they the Bulgarians of a quite remote Bulgarian territory that DIDN'T MANAGE TO FOLLOW THE AWAKENING OF NATIONS AFTER THE ENLIGHTENMENT ERA? In this period, in which also US A claimed it's recognition and all the multinational vast empires started to split up, most of the folks started to form their national identity, started to organize themselves in NATIONS, to wander about their history and their origins.

Are they trapped in historical mistakes of another dark-propaganda period? Is it,in your opinion, luckily for them to have formed a national identity later that other nations in Balkans? That's why they are searching now for their history based to legends from another hard political period that followed 2d World War? Thank you.




  1. Macedonia is a south - western part of Bulgaria. The official language is Bulgarian. THEY ARE BULGARIANS! Their history is Bulgarian (facts are not to be ignored ), their culture is BULGARIAN, they are from Bulgarian origin, Samuel, Gotze Delchev, Hristo Smirnenski, Dame Gruev, and so on are Bulgarians!!!! MACEDONIA today has nothing in common with Alexander Macedonian! Bulgaria loves "Macedonia", but they hate her. Hope they will one day confess the truth about their BULGARIAN national identity

    There is NO MACEDONIAN NATION!!!!!!!

    Macedonia was a part of Bulgaria, but it got split. And later Serbian communists brainwashed them to think that they are not Bulgarians, but now in Macedonia there are a lot of people, who now that they are Bulgarians, and those are very good news. Well, not for serbomans and macedonists...

  2. From Wikipedia:

    Macedonians are people with a unique identity, derived from an influence of different cultures. The large majority identify themselves as Orthodox Christians and share similarities in culture with their Balkan neighbours.

    They speak the Macedonian language, a South Slavic language. About two thirds of all ethnic Macedonians live in the Republic of Macedonia, although there are also communities in a number of other countries.

    To Allan D:

    You don't know who your father was, yes, of course, because you are a Greek troll, and Greek trolls usually just bark around the Y!A.

    But it's well known: A barking dog doesn't bite, especially the Greek troll species.

  3. During the Balkan wars and the gradual fall of the Ottoman empire, Bulgaria wanted to claim the former Ottoman province of Macedonia. In order to achieve their goal, Bulgarian nationalists cultivated to their fellows living in these lands, the idea that they are descendants of the ancient Macedonians. This idea is also based on the words of Demosthenes, which in one of his speeches calls Macedonians as barbarians, although that nowadays it is widely accepted that he did it for political reasons.

    So as you see, "Macedonia" was a Bulgarian invention that later developed into a strong ethnic identity, and now turns against its inventor as a boomerang.

  4. They are of Bulgarian origin as their language, which is a bulgarian idiom proves. And until 1945 the official name of their territory was Vardarska, named after the omonymous river.

    The name "Macedonia" was a Tito's invention, during the cold war, to support his expectations to create a gate towards the Aegean.

    The small bulgarian minority which lived in some villages in Macedonia (meaning the Greek and only) joined the communist troops during the civil war (1945-1949) and then found refuge in the territory of Scopia.

    What I can't understand is why a country and a nation - if they want to define themselves as such, which is so tighly oriantated to the USA, supports the claims of those old communists for idemnity, for the houses they left behind when they were defeated (By Greeks, English and Americans, naturally).

  5. We don't even know who we are, because our mothers used to have several adultery affairs with other men.

    I don't even know who my father is.

    But I want to aopologize to GREECE, because you are superior to us fyromians.

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