
Are people from Ireland considered British?

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Why or why not?




  1. k

  2. Well that depends on which part of Ireland you are referring to. People from the Republic of Ireland are Irish, not British. People from Northern Ireland often refer to themselves as Irish, but they are also British as Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain. The island of Ireland is part of the British Isles, but the Republic of Ireland is an independent state, with its own laws and government.

    The currency in the Republic of Ireland is euro, whereas in Northern Ireland it is the pound sterling.

    Hope this helps a bit.

  3. as comic book man would say (worst question ever) anyone for tea and cucumber sandwiches.

  4. People have been shot for asking this sort of question. seriously

  5. No.  Ireland is a separate country from Britain.  Are Canadians considered American?  Are Germans considered French?  No, because they're all different countries

  6. No because they are irish....!!!!!!!

  7. No please!

    They hate British specially English

    They used to speak another language

    and they are totally different people

  8. NOOOOOooooot really. There are 32 counties. When we became a republic the British made a deal with us to let us have our country back, but only if we let them keep six of our counties. The British are bullies, big time, and we had not the army (due to our neutral nature) to fight them. Therefore a decision was made to end the fighting and the British got our counties. However the people living in those counties mostly consider themselves to be Irish (due to the fact they are living in Ireland), but some like to think of themselves as British.

    But in the rest of Ireland, WE ARE ALL FULLY IRISH, and have fock all to do with Britain and their d**n focked up government and ridiculous monarchy system etc... etc...

    I hope lots of people read the answers to this question. England invaded our country and Oliver Cromwell lead an army to slaughter full towns of Men women and children, in one town his army murdered the ENTIRE town, sparing a few to go and warn the rest of Ireland of his evil relentlessness. They were cruel and even though it was a long time ago, the resentment for the death and pain caused to our country is still here. To think of ourselves as British is nothing short of sicking to me at this point.

    I hope this answers your question well!! :)

  9. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!... we are a total independent state and if you need to ask this question you obiviously dont know much about the world!!!!

  10. NO.the country is called the republic of Ireland,it isn't British

  11. Big NO

    Thats like saying " are people from the U.S. canadian"

  12. NO, NO ******* no . We live in the Irish Republic. Not the ******* british Empire. Northern gits are british cause the refuse to give back our land.

  13. Your in Dangerous Waters here.... ;)

    Northern Ireland is part of the UK but the ROI (Republic of Ireland or Eire) fought the brits for it's independence and got it in the 1920's.

    So calling an Irish british is not something to do here, definitely not.

    It's like calling the Americans British.

  14. just don't ask that question IN ireland.  you might find yourself on the wrong end of a bottle of Jamesons.

  15. no!!!!!

  16. People from Northern Ireland are considered British. People from Eire (Southern Ireland) are not.

  17. cause they aint,,,and don't wanna be(well,truth ta tell,afewovem has fer 300 years)been periodic violence fer 300 years,,,,,,,kinda quiet fer 5 or 6 years,perhaps peace has broken out,,,,,,,,inshalla

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