
Are people from the country Georgia considered Arabic or Caucasian?

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Are people from the country Georgia considered Arabic or Caucasian?




  1. Caucasian.

    They are IN the Caucus mountains.

  2. I'm afraid your question cannot be answered as stated.  It's the "apples and oranges" error; which most of us make at one time or another.  "Caucasian" generally applies to a Race of people signified by their skin color - white or light skinned.  "Arabic" generally applies to a certain group of similar enthicities; people that originate from "Arabic countries".  Now you can poke holes through these over simplified definitions, but I believe this short explanation will assist you in drafting a question which will draw out the information you are looking for.

    With regard to the Country of Georgia, here are a few facts:

    Georgia is a country partially in Eastern Europe and partially in Southwest Asia . It is bordered to the north by the Russian Federation, to the east by Azerbaijan, to the west across the Black Sea by Ukraine, to the south by Armenia and to the southwest by Turkey.  The population is 4.4 million in the territories and is currently run by the independent central government of Georgia.

    In antiquity, Georgia was one of the first countries in the world to adopt Christianity as an official religion - early in the 4th century,  

    After a period of political, economic and cultural flourishing as a Kingdom, Georgia went into decline (13th century) and by the 16th century broke into several kingdoms and principalities .  By the19th century, Georgia was part and parcel of the Russian Empire and wobbled in and out of Russian/USSR hands until 1991 when Georgia gained independence.  

    Early post-Soviet years were marked by a civil unrest and economic crisis. Georgia began to stabilize in 1995 but still suffers from unresolved secessionist conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Relations with Russia also remain tense.

    Hope this helps...

  3. They are "The Caucasians" by definition: the term was invented by a German racist philosopher , C Meiners, and later defined by another German, J. F. Blumenbach (1752-1840)  to define their racial vision of the heirs of "the venerated... ancient Germans", based on skulls found in Georgia, under Caucasus range of mountains

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