
Are people getting a little crazy with the golf carts at the courses?

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I don’t know but I truly believe some people drive those things a little crazy because they feel they can’t get hurt because of the relatively slow speed of the carts. However, I would hate to rollover in one of those.

Do you think one of the biggest hazards at the course is bad cart driving?




  1. drive safe

  2. yea, mostly due to people drinking. i believe golf should be alchohol free until the 19th hole.

  3. Like there are "bad golfers", believe me there are bad "golf cart drivers."  I have worked at several golf courses, both public and private, and one of the biggest contributors to a bad golf cart driver is....imbibing a little too much.  Or, in some cases a lot.  This is when golf course personnel must take, and in most cases do, some sort of action in getting out on the course and let the violator or violators know they are creating and unsafe situation not only for themselves, but other golfers.  On one occasion a man driving the cart was obviously impaired, stopped and told couldn't drive, so his partner, sober, said he would. But on a hole that had a sharp turn, the violator got back in the cart & started to drive, his partner had gone up ahead , but didn't make the turn and ended up getting thrown out of the cart and he went head first into a tree and was hospitalized for about 3-4 days.  Most golf course personnel are very watchful for these types of "crazy golfers,"  they are out there...just like on the highways. Now, most golf carts are restricted as to speed...but bad drivers are what they are...and will do what ever to ignore the rules.  They play the same way.

  4. Bad cart driving is very hazardous, especially since most of the guy have had a few beers to go with it. Golf's the only sport where it is ok to play and drink beer at the same time.

  5. I work as a marshal on a golf course.  Bad cart driving can be a particular problem, particularly from "groups".  We get a fair number of mini-tourneys, stags etc.  Unfortunately, they're often well oiled by the time they start the round and after a couple of passes by the beverage cart they can get pretty stupid.  I've never seen anybody hurt driving a cart but I've seen lots of damage both to the carts (caved in bumpers, and a couple driven into lakes) and damage to the course.  Drunks driving them onto greens and tee boxes.  When I see a cart improperly operated, I remove the key and the culprit either finishes his round on foot, or I take him off the course.

  6. Um, yeah it's definatly the biggest hazard!!! I mean, I almost killed my self yesterday on one! Its really scary... don't go fast... *shivers*

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