
Are people having out of wedlock babies destroying the social fabric of the USA?

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Are people having out of wedlock babies destroying the social fabric of the USA?




  1. People have been doing that for thousands of years.

  2. absolutely!

  3. teens having babies maybe.

  4. nope

  5. Irresponsible people having babies, regardless of marital status, is having a negative effect on our social fabric.

  6. the social fabric?  of the USA being destroyed?  I believe that happened a long time ago.  Take a look at how people treat each other these days.  Marriages seem to be taken values, all going down the toilet if you hadn't noticed ok.........and take a look at how europe and other countries view americans ok.....we are hated, thought of as disgusting, fat, s***s.  Where have you been hiding out, being left in the dark.??

  7. Good for you. Blame it on innocent babies.

  8. No, but I think the government should stop rewarding people if they are having children out of wedlock and cannot afford them.  There is no pride in taking care of oneself and ones family anymore.  Why bother?  The government will do it!


  10. people who do not teach kids how to be stand up citizens are destroying the world. People who tell the childres "your a victim" are the ruins of the social fabric. get an education and go to work. Make some happiness for yourself. No one wants to teach children that I guess.

  11. No.  The social construct of marriage has broken down in recent decades.  The divorce rate is higher, and people have sought out a new dynamic for fufillment.

    New constructs will take the place of the old, while the old will be considered ancient, and eventually the new will become traditional.

    People can have a baby and raise it together without being married and still produce a health and well-adjusted child.

  12. No. Widespread ignorance and malaise is though.

  13. how is that destroying the social fabric of the usa?  being married is just something thats written down on a piece of paper in this society. no one even gets married for the right reasons anymore- its more of a financial instituion. so no having children out of wedlock isnt destroying ****. but alot of other things are. like ignorance.

  14. Actually the babies born to single moms and low/poor income is what the USA wants..... These babies are the ones that will be on the front lines... the USAs solders. Think about why G.Bush is so against abortions..... he needs the unborn poor to grow up....believing that the only way out of poverty is through military forces..... That is why Military ads are all over the poor communities or trying to recruit at minority schools and now mall. I spit on your ridiculous question. There are bigger issues than this.

  15. The causal relationship is reversed.  People having babies out of wedlock, and as a supposed improvement to their current situation, are a product of a damaged social fabric.

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