
Are people in UK and Ireland sharing their Yahoo! web page because they have good relations each other now?

by  |  earlier

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well... not joking a serious inquiry.




  1. You are right: people in the UK and Ireland have good relations with each other by and large, but that's not the reason the web page is being shared.

    It's mainly a matter of simple economics. The UK has a population of 60 million. Ireland has a population of 4 million - about the same size as one of the larger British cities. We also share the same language, watch many of the same TV programs, have similar cultural interests (going to the pub, listening to the same music, watching the same movies, following similar sports (particularly football)). Big news in Britain tends to make it to the headlines in Ireland too.

    There are differences of course - in particular the fact that we are different countries with different priorities, and a different currency and most certainly a very different history in recent years, but so too are there big differences between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    Yahoo! is no different to most other large organisations who see Ireland as essentially a similar market to the UK. Even companies with large operations in Ireland often lump the two countries together for marketing purposes.

  2. Nah, would be nice to think that, but I think you'll find it's just becasue we both speak the same language and it's cheaper for Yahoo.

  3. I don't think the UK & Ireland care about Yahoo....or Yahoo care about UK & IR. It's simple economics - why provide space for basically the same country / culture to pander to a couple of xenophobic individuals.

  4. I would hope we did have good relations, but I suspect it has more to do with language.

  5. to be sure!!!!!!!

  6. You gotta be joking. We share because the miserable sods that run YAHOO can't differentiate

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