
Are people in eastern Germany less liberal.?

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pls if u are from Germany give me some informations.Thanks!




  1. East Germans were never brainwashed into hating themselves for being German and White like Western Europeans were.  Also they have experienced what the extreme left is growing up in Communist East Germany so they understand how messed up it all is.

    Edit: wvcliffhanger, New England is not liberal at all, you obviously have never been there. Having democrats in power dousnt equal being a liberal

  2. I've lived in both Eastern and Western Germany and it's true that people are generally more liberal in Eastern Germany than in the West. Western Germans, like middle Americans, are more steeped in their traditions and more resistant to new, different ways of thinking.

    Of course, the entirety of Germany (and Europe as a whole, really) is much more liberal than middle America. Usually, Europeans can really only identify with the most liberal,m populated areas of the US, like the Left Coast and New England.

    As for the above reference to n***s - I lived in Germany for two summers, one summer in Dresden and once in Berlin, and I never saw any n***s. They're somewhere, but by this time they are about as common and accepted as the KKK in America (that is, they are uncommon and very much frowned upon).

  3. Actually I consider East Germans to be more liberal than Western Germans.

    East Germans have less conventions. 40 years under Socialist rule removed most people's notions of being "better" than others (based on social standing). The influence of the christian church (catholic and lutheran) was and is less in Eastern Germany, many conservative views where thrown out with the Christian faith under the Socialist rule.

    90 % of the women in East Germany between 16 and 60 worked full time with their children in day care during Socialist rule, while in Western Germany the place of a married mother was at home in the kitchen. In Eastern Germany abortion and birth control was relatively easy, while in Western Germany there were always big discussions influenced by the catholic church. Women who had abortions were criminalised in Western Germany.

    The one thing where East Germans are less liberal are when it comes to religion, foreigners and immigration. It is something very few East Germans have any experience with, thus the hate and the fear. The deregatory remarks some older people make on foreigners (especially muslims or hindus) and the rise of the neo-n***s is shocking.

  4. Liberal in which way?

    I found out that there are liberal people in both "parts", as far as they still exists!!!!, of Germany.

    There is no difference - there are nice guys from the East, nice from the West, but also idiots from all over the country.

  5. looks like only "east germans" answered so far, well i´m from "west germany" and my experiances are totally different. its not only saying "yes we are tolerant", its living it.

    i believe east germany is less liberal from experience!

  6. It's actually the other way around.

    I've experienced far more liberal people from east Germany than from the west. You have probably heard all the stories about neo n***s and that stuff and they are true. Still, coming to the acceptance of different lifestyles or points of view the east germans are more open minded.

  7. yes, he's right

  8. In Germany, it very much depends on where you go. The difference between peoples´ minds in bigger cities and rural villages makes more of a difference than whether you´re in the East or West.

    If you want to, read "These Strange German Ways". Only read it after I arrived, but still fun. Bit of a broad brush here and there, but: cute.

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