
Are people intimidated or something

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my cousin visited me from ny, i had not seen him in years, and we went out drinking. he doesnt go around looking for trouble, but he just has that "im better than you and we all know it" look and attitude about him. especially when he gets drunk, he gets really cocky. sometimes, at a bar, random people will just come up to him and want to fight him, he usually outsmarts them and makes them look like a fool, which gets them more pissed. does it add salt to the injury if he is a hot guy?




  1. It sounds like you and your cousin should not be in the company of alcohol, unless you are preapred to pay the price of the lowering of inhibitions, and the arousal of the attitude game.  I don't know why anyone would be looking at anyone else in a bar unless they were interested in striking up conversation.  Perhaps your cousin needs to stay away from the drink because it seems to always bring him trouble, it's the drink, not the person, that wants to get into fights.

  2. He seems to be a smart (sometimes oversmart) chap at the wrong place, at the wrong time. I'm sure you'd get beaten up thanks to him, sometime

  3. Im from New york, and I'm a hot guy... In my 12 years of club/bar scenes, I have never been in a fight...

    Your cousin is what we call an angry drunk.  Dude gets drunk and stairs at people, or ***** with them.  There is a lot more to picking a fight than just words.  Body language can mean a lot.

    Tell him to stop acting like a stuck up *****.  I'm sure I look better, and get more girls because my personality isnt attitude like his.  If he keeps it up, I'm sure someone will rearrange his face to not look so "hot"

    Nobody is really better than the next.  This is why NY gets a bad rep, cause of idiots like him that have nothing to prove in a bar...  Wow, idiocracy at its best.  Tell him to stay home and read a book instead next time.  

  4. yeah, if the dudes girlfriend is with him.

  5. Don't mind him he has the NY mentality that i am more badder than u things like that in NY promotes dat mentality

  6. I wouldn't let it bother you if I were you. You can't seriously want to be like him. Focus on your own strengths and enjoy your own life when he is not around.

    Best wishes. UK

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