
Are people less sensitive to a human being killed as opposed to an animal

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I have read on forums before where people are so affected by a dog or cat dying, but when it comes to a human they really dont care or give it much thought.




  1. speaking for myself, yes... like i see lots of ppl die in floods or murdered etc on the news it doesn't bother me but when i see a cow or whatever being slaughtered it really gets to me i guess bec. ppl in general do more evil and animals don't so i think in a way ppl deserve it, if that makes any sense.                                  

    edit: wow i just made myself sound like such a misanthrope there ^^.

  2. I don't think thats true. There are alot of different factors that effect whether I care if someone or some animal has died. People die all the time, if I have never met them, I don't really care unless it happens in a tragic way. Death is a part of life, I feel something if they die unnaturally, and not of their own fault...such as suicide, a drunk driver, or drug overdose....and death penalty...dont care about you..

    I only care about an animal dying if I either know and like it, or if it dies from maltreatment by humans.

  3. I think it's because we see animals as basically defenseless and at the mercy of humans, so they never have any self defense; humans usually do (unless they are children or something).  Animals just have no choice about their lives.  They have no way to better themselves or report abuse or escape; they are helpless in ever sense of the word.

  4. I think it really depends on the person and the situation. For example, many people get more more upset about an unfortunate circumstance surrounding a child usually because they are a parent or have a large family, so they're more sympathetic. Animals and kids are seen as innocent and defenseless, which is why many times people put them above teens and adults. People can't rationalize the killing or a kid or an animal, but it's possible to try to rationalize how an adult could have placed themselves in that kind of situation. As for me personally, I like animals a lot more than most people so I'm one of those people who happen to be more sensitive about animals.

  5. animals are helpless, and that's why many people feel more sorry for them.

  6. thats crazy cuz i get all teary when i watch those cruelty animal shows and commercials, but i can watch a murder show on A&E.

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