
Are people losing interest in global warming since the evidence it is happening is so overwhelming?

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With global warming now accepted by essentially every credible scientist (including pretty much every skeptic) and the arguments of those who deny it is happening being laughably easy to refute, it seems there isn't much point in arguing about it (since the few that haven't accepted it have a religious faith in the inability of humans).




  1. People like you are a rare breed, not easily fooled by all this skepticism tossed about by a few ten thousands of scientists who actually study the climate.

    Since I'm so impressed by your gullibility, I mean your rare insight that I would love to help you.  I've got this bridge, it's a beauty, and I would be willing to part with it for a fraction of what I paid for it.  

    Just make the check out to the Committee Against Super Heating, or just use our initial CASH.

  2. I'm sorry, but it is not. You can go to as many places on the web and find as many opposed to "global warming" as there are that believe it. As I pointed out in another similar question to yours that we would be powerless to stop mother nature, and for anyone to make a stand and proclaim that they can is nonsense.

    We currently have oil seeping into the oceans, and not one of our "guru's of green" can do a thing about it. Have you noticed how quiet Al Gore has been about the subject?

  3. Your so-called credible scientists are funded by liberals and are told to find evidence about global warming. The many who have found evidence to the contrary then get their funding revoked by the liberals and then get ridiculed by them too.  Scientists who don't get any funding from the left or the right agree that the earth is going through a cycle and right now it just happens to be on the warming up cycle now. It is mother nature taking her course......

  4. I don't think anyone has lost interest.  In fact the global warming story has moved on the the next stage: What can I do to reduce global warming.  You hear a lot of people talking about what they can do to reduce their carbon footprint.  The fact that petroleum prices have gone through the roof has given more emphasis than ever to the need for renewable energy sources, which will certainly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

  5. I have been watching this discussion for more than a dozen years and the arguments of the true believers in the face get sillier every day. I have never seen a single piece of so called evidence of this supposed climate problem that was not obviously faked. This leads me to question either the ethics or the education of all that support this fraud! I know for a fact that Gore is practicing con man of long experience from long conversations with someone who occasionally associated with him back in the 60s. Hansen has already been shown to be an active fraud and evidence for criminal action is currently being gathered to prosecute him and those who helped set up the con.

    Like I said before no one has been able to present anything that contradicts the facts about climate I have known for years. When NASA gets all the corrupted data squared away and the charges made against those that corrupted it for deliberate purposes of doing fraud for profit. From Syds description Al was really into getting rich through fraud not work just like his father!

  6. Except there is no such thing as global warming. Every credible scientist has disagreed with Gore. You only hear about the ones that agree with him because the media is controlled by liberals. If you smart enough you would have done your own research and found that the top scientists at NASA researchers have written a booklet (which I have) listing the evidence against global warming and proving all of the evidence for global warming as false. It is not "laughably easy to refute" these arguments given that they are all based on fact and your are based on mere speculations and biased lies created by the media.  

  7. So a scientist has to believe in global warming to be credible?  Isn't the foundation of science questioning what everybody else holds to be true?  Your blanket statement covering all credible scientists demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge on the subject.  Here is a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada from 60 credible scientists who do not believe in global warming.

    Lets review the evidence that global warming is man-made:

    Humans started burning increasing amounts of hydro-carbons for energy about 150 years ago.  The temperature has increased over the past 150 years.  Therefore global warming must be man-made.  Have I left anything out? Post Hoc ergo Propter Hoc - the entire theory is based on a logical fallacy.

  8. "With global warming now accepted by essentially every credible scientist..."

    Gee...where do you get your information, from Al Gore himself?  Lol!

    Name ONE credible scientist who supports global warming.  Just one.

  9. ur crazy global warming is stupid its a freakin myth

    for crying out loud!

  10. Well ... It's not happening now . The Earth has been in a cooling trend for the past 7 years . Kinda kills your talking points above don't you think ?

  11. I think some people are just ignoring the fact that this planet is getting worse every day. global warming is sickning and people should take action and acknowledge it.

  12. In 1982, a committee in the United Nations wanted to find a way to transfer wealth from wealthy countries to poorer countries.  They decided to create a Global Warming scare since at the time the planet seemed to be warming.  Kind of like what Christopher Columbus did to the indians by taking adavantage of a known upcoming solar eclipse.  He claimed he would block the sun.  Anyway, this committee settled on global warming and looked for a possible cause they could claim.  They settled on carbon dioxide, since when it gets warming, more carbon dioxide is absorbed into the air.  But they were ingenious, they reverse the cause/effect, they said that when carbon dioxide goes up, the temp goes up - it's really the other way around.

    The earth's temp did indeed go up through the ninetees, but since then it has been going back down again.  Can't wait to see what they do next.  

    I have no trouble being kind to our environment.  We should always try to be nice to our planet, but I really don't like people promoting junk science as real science.  Sooner or later the truth will be obvious.  And then people won't listen to real valid issues because they will remember this.  It will be like the boy crying wolf.

  13. there was a time when "essentially every credible scientist" thought the world was flat and the earth was the center of the universe.  non-believers were ridiculed and persecuted, much like today.  you're just gullible.    

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