
Are people more aware now, that racism is still alive in America?

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The reason I ask that question is because I have heard people say that racism is dead and gone. I have heard it in the work place and with some of my non-black friends. They would usually say that people look for racism. Since I been on Y/A, I have seen allot of racist comments. I know not everyone is racist, but for those who didn't know or weren't exposed to it in their life. Let me tell you, racism is the monster in the darkest closet. Don't be naive because you personally don't experience racism where others experience it throughout their life.




  1. Racism is alive and well, but not nearly as bad as it used to be

  2. Racism will never die, not in 100 years. I do not live in the US, where I live eastern Europe there is racism, passive racism. Towards gypsies especially.

    Think about what people did in the World Wars just for their nation, think what they are capable of doing for their own race.

  3. It is sad isn't it?  However, things are far better now then it was for my mother or my grandmother.  I'd rather focus on the great strides we have made instead of focusing on the strides we have yet to make.

  4. Not really.  People who recognize it prejudice now (in whatever form), didn't need the election to be aware of it.  You know?

  5. Yes there is still racism in America.  This is because you can never legislate what a person thinks or has in their heart.  

    Much has been done to improve the effects of racism for the people who had suffered racist actions for many many years and generations.  

    For example with the African-Americans there are laws against being forced to sit in the back of the bus or having to eat in a separate restaurant or the "colored only and white only" restrooms.  A person cannot be denied a job due to the color of their skin and and all people have to be admitted to a any hotel that they can afford to pay for.  

    Education has been made more accessible and jobs have been made more accessible due to laws for equal treatment and opportunity.  

    For those who are not old enough to have seen the changes well we can tell them that there has been a lot of improvement.

    Again I say that you cannot legislate what is in the heart of a person but there are laws which can force people to be have properly and in accordance with employment laws and educational rules and social treatment by accessibility to restaurants hotels etc.......

    This has been done to correct the suffering that African-Americans as a community have suffered for hundreds of years and finally there the beginnings of an improvement.  It is far better than it was 60 or 70 years ago but there is always room for improvement.

    As far as all the other people of other nationalities who have arrived here in USA since 1965 they do not have any reason whatso ever to complain be they Russian Polish Slavic Turkish Indian Latin American Chinese Korean Vietnamese Pakistanni Sri Lankan etc etc Carribean-west Indian etc etc.

    No one forced you to come here anyone after 1965 came of their own free will and if they feel that they have been discriminated against or have been the victims of "alleged racism" well all I have to say is the door is open and don't let it hit you in the rear on the way out.  

    There's always a plane waiting at the airport with a seat available.......

    Many of the effects of racism are fast disappearing as you can see more minorities in the workplaces where years ago that would not have been so.  

    Yet again I reiterate that you cannot legislate what is in the heart......

    You can only try to prevent the effects of it.  

  6. I knew it still existed but it abounds on this message board more than I ever thought.

    I like to think the people on this board are not representatives of the majority.

  7. Hmmmmm, I've NEVER heard anyone say, "Racisism is dead and gone"?

    RACISM is definitely Alive and STILL Thriving, UNFORTUNATELY!

  8. And pre tell how conquer  the ills of racism? By mimicking it? How ironic and avaunt guard is that?

  9. I think a lot of people are in denial about this.  Just because they and their friends see a more progressive society around them, they conclude the problem is over.  I read my hometown newspaper and then the comments boards.  Scary!

    It IS better, however, than it was.  I have seen a lot of changes over the years, and I have seen many changes in my own attitudes.  What worries me in this election season, to be specific, is what will happen in the privacy of the voting booth.

    The thing you and I can do is raise our children well, have a positive influence wherever we can affect others, and set a good example always.

  10. Yes, my long as we have things like the United Neg ro College Fund (and no United Caucasian College Fund); the NAACP (and no NAAWP); Black Entertainment TV (and no White Entertainment TV); and Affirmative Action we will ALWAYS have racism.  You see, all those things do is say loud and clear that we ARE different; that we are NOT just Americans like everyone else, and that we CANNOT achieve and prosper on our own without assistance, guidance, aid, and sustenance from the rest of the country.

    I do not believe we are different from anyone else; nor are we, as a race, more deserving than anyone else.

    Get rid of the trappings of racism and you get rid of racism because then it has no where to hide and fester.

  11. two minds, two colors.  makes no difference. nothingt can be exactaly the and white, red and blue....there will always be a me and there will always be a you.....

  12. it won't die because of questions like this, and the media feeds off long as everyone keeps bringing it up it will never die. who's to blame? everyone ! it don't really matter what color you are we all bleed red blood, we hurt bad inside when our loved ones get hurt, nothings different between any of us except color, and wouldn't this be a boring world if every thing was either black or white.and even at that i am sure there would be some people that would only drive a white car, have white furniture, clothes etc. that holds true for the ones that would only want's a sick world out there, with all the problems we have to deal with now days, racism need to die!

  13. I think it would never end. The differences would remain and racism would prevail, for knowledge not guarantees personality or instinct changes. My religion tells me that there is no difference between black and white and I am the firm believer of that.


  14. racism is still alive in america and i can see it very well where i live.

  15. With all due respect to your ethnicity, I have seen unadulterated racisim against Blacks from the 60's, stopped largely by MLK and LBJ. However, the pendulum has swung to the other side to where racism is now emanating from many African Americans such as Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Wright, and the Obama campaign. Any criticisms of the democrat nominee are seen as racial attacks. I will not apologize for being White. I see two people running for President of the United States, and I will vote for the one who is most qualified to be Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces, and Leader of the free world. I try to see beyond the color of their skin, and look to their hearts and their minds. I will vote for Senator McCain.

  16. Racism means that you don't like someone because of their skin color, Disliking a race of people because of bad,  barbaric behavior is acceptable..

  17. Sure, all we have to do is listen to Buttock Insane Obama talk and it's proof that racism is alive and doing very well.

    "There will be racial riots across this country if I'm not elected"

    Brack Obama

    Then there was that little statement he made about the Christians clinging to their religion and guns (which I thought he called himself a Christian).

    You don't have to get on Yahoo to see the racism, just look in your own back yard (figuratively speaking that is).

    Obama is the most racist politician in history and he doesn't have a problem showing it.  I refuse to vote for him.

    You do know that Yahoo is some of the most racist of all don't you.  

    McCain IS our new president.

  18. Racism has always been here.As a white guy whom went to an all black and hispanic school,I will tell you,Ive have seen it first hand and it was against me,It still is,though I moved away from Wilmington,Ca,I was discriminated against constantly,and Barack will not be a change for ending racism either.Im not voting for him for a number of reasons.I dont care what skin color He has.Being born in the mid 60's Ive seen it ,lived it.So your asking nothing very new.

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