
Are people still standing up for their principles...?

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...or is practicality the name of the game? Nowadays, countless events and situations are presented in the news / media showing the prevalence of corruption, crime, bribery among others. Are people still willing to fight for what they believe in or money / power much more important?




  1. it dependes on the situation..standing in principles is good but if your principles will lead your family to hunger then be practical, as long as you dont harm anybody around you

  2. I stand up for my principles.

  3. I do stand for my principles but I guess now adays what prevails is practicality or survival.

    aside from that....

    Usually, good principles stands side by side to the proper implimentation of the law and justice, the proper exercise of authority and the like... now, what happens to people who stands for their principles is that they are left out from others. They are considered "threat to ones progress", they get discriminated, fired or even locked up in jail... but good thing is, well for the few and lucky, they got elected as senator....

  4. I agree that politics has become corrupted, and so have the media we depend on. I am prepared to stand up and be counted but standing up for your rights becomes ever more difficult when secret government agencies are watching your every move.

    Will the CIA make me "disappear" for saying this?

  5. depends on the situation, if it profitable maybe they will stand up for their believe, if not ;they don't stand up

  6. It seems like you are willing to fight for principles and do am I. That makes two of us and there are many more.

  7. I'm more of a sit-down and mull over my principles type.  Standing up takes a lot of effort (metaphorically speaking) so I pick my battles carefully...but, yes, I do fight them.

  8. money and power are definitely the name of the game today. let's be realistic and face it, we live in a world where not a single country is free of corruption, where anywhere between 60 and 90% of politicians in any government in the world are corrupt and are out for their own interests, and where people who are in powerful positions will fight and kill anyone to stay there.

    it's not about principles anymore, it's about who has the fattest bank accounts and the strongest weapons (not necessarily real weapons, in my opinion the media is the most effective WMD)

    unfortunately, the normal people need to just live with what's going on around them to the best of their abilities. it's just as freud said, living in a society means living a life that isn't free and is controlled by people who are more powerful than you, but that is still better than living alone since we have a natural need to belong to a society. so either live like a normal person, or be among the greedy and corrupt. the sad reality is that neither u nor i can individually even spark a change in this world. when you're talking 6 billion + people, one person trying to cause a change just doesn't cut it anymore.

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