
Are people talking about starting charities realy concerned for the folks they will help?

by  |  earlier

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Or are they looking to make money off of people who have already been beaten down by life?

Why don't they volunteer for legitimate charities which now exist?




  1. No Shermy - I think they just want some free publicity - for what I do not know.  They are definitely looking to make money but I do not believe that they will contribute any portion of the income to the poor and needy.   I say this because if their hearts were in the right place - they would indeed "volunteer  for legitimate charities which now exist."


  2. Usually they get some of the money or else they wouldnt have 1 hour specials with famous people and employees etc

  3. They do it for the chicks and to feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


    Different than the rest. Does not accept monetary donations. Really making a real difference in the world.

  5. Sad, isn't it?  What happened to integrity?   People should research how contributions are managed before they donate - including the well-known, well-established organizations.  It's the smart thing to do to keep everyone honest about their real purpose.

  6. Most of them are just interested in making names for themselves unfortunately.

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