
Are people that believe in Choice double talkers?

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If life does not start during Conception then if itis only a woman's choice because it is her body then why?

1. Does the Faher have no say?? if she chooses to abort it the Father has no say? but if she chooses to have it the father has no say He will PAY Child support

2. A Woman can abort her child HOWEVER if she smokes crack an the baby comes ut addicted she can go to Jail if her drug use harms her baby..hmmm thought she could do whatever she wanted with her body?

3. If GOD said Thous shall not kill- did he make an exception to the unborn? where is that writen?

4. If a underage child wants an abortion she can have one without parental consent, but if the child dies during the procedure *Oh well tuff or the parents they cannot sue the Doctor..

Is this the values of the Pro-Choice People?




  1. 1.) The father doesn't have to carry the baby to term. However I agree that the child-support clause is unfair.

    2.) I have never heard of a single legal case invloving this scenario. Post a source.

    3.) God doesn't exist.

    4.) Like all medical procedures, you sign a waiver for bodly harm and injury. If I die getting an operation to remove my appendix, my family can't sue.

    I fail to see how anything you posted was true, or even relevant.

    An early term fetus / zygote is not a human, and has no rights.

    A born child IS a human, and does have rights. There is no contradiction, there is no double-talk, you just refuse to LISTEN!

  2. You Fail!

  3. You're right about the father issue (#1), but otherwise you're assuming that YOU get to define the fetus as a person.

  4. It's this simple:

    STFU, get your own life, stop trying to control the lives of others.

    There. Get it? Or do I have to draw a picture for you with Jesus in it?

  5. If you offer a lot of questions, you should have some sort of solutions, right? I'm confused as to your values and why you object.

    1. Would you prefer the father paid for the abortion instead? Or should the father not be allowed to see his children? If he's not responsible, he's not responsible, right?

    2. Crack is illegal. A crack baby is clear proof of substance abuse. So. . . are we legalizing crack now? Would you prefer we ignored crack babies?

    3. This is irrelevant to me.

    4. So we're making any surgery done without the parent's consent unprotected? What about accidents where the parents are out of touch or also unconscious?

  6. Women's body, women's choice.

    Freedom, practice it.

  7. booo what about the atheist god isnt real who cares what god said

  8. Have you ever looked up the word in the dictionary, it's the unborn born young of man, and offspring. It doesn't say a glob of tissues to form a potential baby. It has a heart beat and it has a soul, It's a baby No one has the right to take a life whether it is in the womb or breathing the air. It's murder. Your right about each point you make in your question. The guy suffers if he wants the baby and she aborts it, She will go to jail if she harmed the baby in the womb and it is not right when it is born. And lets face it if they think so little of a baby's life then they don't think much about the elderly's life either. They might as well do away with anyone who has a handicap, why bother with special needs, unless you are perfect, then let's get rid of them, they are a burden to society. They have nothing to contribute so lets get rid of them all. And that's the way these pro choicers think and I think this makes them a little brain damaged don't you, so they are imperfect and maybe they should have been aborted. After all we only want is perfect people in this society. Right, right!!! God help  and have mercy on us.

    Edit: if a woman is murdered and is carring a child the criminal is tried for 2 murders, isn't that funny. Why is that. A complete contridition in terms wouldn't you say. Then it's called a BABY!! Good joke huh!!.

  9. 1.  Try to see if from the other side -- a father of the child who is also a rapist -- does he have a say in whether the rape victim carry to term?  It's not as cut and dry as you make it seem to be.  Saying that universally, the father has 'rights' is treading on dangerous waters, imo.  If the laws were such that they provided for exclusion of rapist fathers, if a woman was that set on aborting, she'd just claim she was raped by someone.  Is it right for a woman who knows that her husband or boyfriend will care for the baby to abort?  I don't think so, but I do think the blanket statement that men should have rights is a bad idea.

    2.  smoking crack is illegal -- abortion is not.  Whether or not an individual believes it should be, it is.  So, of course the mom is going to be charged.  Note though, she isn't charged with harming the baby -- she is charged for the illegal drug use and possession

    3. not everyone believes in your G-d, or in your version of the religous texts.  You or even I may believe life begins at conception (I personally do), but many religious people with good moral fiber feel it is when the first breath is drawn. What are they basing that on?  Scripture!  Just varying interpretations.  Who is to say the other is wrong, when so much is subjective regarding scriptures.

    4. not in my state -- parental consent is needed.  There was a woman that I heard of who was arrested for taking her son's pregnant girlfriend to get an abortion -- she faced all sorts of charges, mostly, I believe for taking the child out of state to a border state that doesn't require parental consent

    Am I pro-choice?  Pro-life?  I am not sure where I fit in, because I believe that if the life of the mom is at risk (as in she will die, not in that she will be inconvenienced) then I think it is her duty to preserve her life, esp. if she has other kids.  If the woman/girl is raped?  I cannot say that I would want to be forced to carry a constant reminder of the brutality, so I would not want to force someone else, esp a child, a rape victim, or an incest victim.  If the woman chooses to keep the child, wonderful.  If she would be further terrorized by carrying the child, well, I could not tell someone they had to suffer -- esp. in some of the instances, those girls/women were tortured, not just simply impregnated.  Granted, I read that the number of pregnancies due to rape is very small, but still, I cannot tell anyone what they should endure.  In an ideal situation, the mom would be able to carry the baby to term, and give the child up for adoption -- but, like I said, not everyone can do that.

    I think it takes more moral fiber to realize that there are exceptions -- to take the situation of the individual in to consideration, to be compassionate.

    Abortion for birth control -- no way.  Abortion because mom changed her mind?  Nope.  Partial birth abortion?  Nope, because there is plenty of time in the very beginning to terminate the pregnancy, and the practice is vile - by that I mean doctors killing a baby that could easily survive outside the womb (and jabbing a sharp object in to the chid's brain?!?!  How insanely cruel!) and leaving viable babies to starve in wash basins and such -- that is wrong no matter how it's presented.

    So, call me immoral, etc -- I don't care -- I see the sitaution as being complex, not black and white.  There are exceptions to everything -- while I would never dream of saying abortion for any reason, at the same time, i would not say that no one could ever terminate a pregnancy.  It's sad, but sometimes one life has to be chosen over another -- I know it is a horrible comparison, but it's sort of like those women in remote villages who have to choose which children she will feed, and those which will not eat -- it's not an easy decision, but if she were to feed them all, they'd all eventually die, so she has to make a decision -- is she a murderer?  i don't think so.  Again, I know it's not a great comparison, but I see that as being with the mom choosing to live if her life is at risk -- my word, esp. if she has other kids to take care of.  It's not an easy decision, but it's a decision she and she alone has to make.

  10. 1) All of this is clear to most would be fathers *before* they do the deed. I got cheated on and divorced from the mother of my children. Some things are simply beyond our control.

    2) This is much like the laws that charge someone who kills a pregnant woman with two murders. The idea is to maximize the charges against the accused. My opinion, both of these legal states of affairs are contradictory to Roe v Wade, and should be struck down by the courts.

    3) He makes no exceptions *period* - not even to limit the command to  not killing humans. So, if your immune system is busy killing bacteria and viruses, you have violated this commandment, right?

    4) No contradiction here. If they can legally get the abortion, the doctor is obliged to perform it, and therefore should be protected from litigation.

    I am pro-choice because no government should have the authority to dictate medical decisions.

  11. *sigh*  Another lot.

    1.  It depends on the situation and the woman whether the father has any say or not.

    2.  I've never heard of someone going to jail because their child is born addicted.  For the drug crimes, certainly.

    3.  Remember that the whole "thou shalt not kill" thing is a lie.  There are many examples in the bible of god slaughtering millions or ordering his people to kill millions.  Also the various laws that state that people should be stoned to death.

    4.  Can you provide backup to this claim?  As long as kids are underage they can do very little without parental consent.

  12. Simple minded questions.  A fetus is not a human life because a fetus cannot exist outside of the womb.  It cannot breathe, it cannot take in nourishment except through the placenta.  It cannot exist unless it is within the womb.  It is not a life yet.  It will not be a life until it can exist outside the womb.  

    Nobody ever said a pregnant woman who is considering an abortion should not discuss it with the child's father, or with anybody else for that matter.  

    If you decide to carry a fetus to term, you have a responsibility to that fetus to ensure it is born healthy.  If you do dope or drugs or alcohol, you are not behaving responsibly.  However, I've never head of anyone going to jail for doing drugs during pregnancy.

    There is no god.  But beyond that, as mentioned above, a fetus is not a viable life.

    As to your final point, others have replied already quite well.  No point in repeating what they've said.

  13. i am soooo prolife!!  i cannot see how ANYONE could have an abortion.  it is murder...PERIOD!!!  if a woman does not want the baby then give it to someone who does...there are so many couples who cannot have children.  i do not think a woman can do whatever she wants with her body.  i believe that abortion should be illegal just like crack is.  god does not make an exception to the unborn.  as soon as the baby is concieved it is a BABY....A PERSON...A cannot kill it!!!  you people who believe in abortion just ain't right!!!

  14. choice itself is the point at which the road forks.  it is not either one of the forks of the path.  depending how many forks there are in the path, we could be triple, quadruple, and so on talkers.  your other questions apply to the forks of the path, not choice.

  15. Hey, they are your human rights, you can waiver until they are taken away. I really don't care either way, just don't be shocked when they are all gone.

  16. Her body -- end of story. And I agree, the govt should not be charging people with crimes against the unborn.

  17. You're right about number one, I will give you that. But otherwise you fail. Sorry, stop trying to control others and if you're against abortion don't have one, ok?

  18. Even Jesus gave us a choice: to believe or not to believe.  Abortion may not be the answer for everyone, but it is the answer for some.  It's up to each individual to decide the answers to your questions.  Just because some people don't believe in abortion doesn't make it wrong for everyone else.  I don't believe in forcing my beliefs on others.  In the end, we all have to live with the decisions we make.

  19. You obviously don't have children because otherwise you would not have stated issue number 1.

    2. A pregnant woman should go to jail for smoking crack, but actually should go to jail if pregnant or not.

    3. I don't believe in God so, that one is useless to me.

    4. A dumb one. What do dead Babies have to do with suing a doctor and getting money and the teenager has nothing to do with the whole thing.

    I am pro choice if it is within the first trimester and if there is a god reason. To use as birth control it is disgusting.

  20. *rolls his eyes* I'd explain it to you, but you aren't interested in listening anyway.  Your mind is too fogged with radical reactionary dogma.

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