
Are people that take running seriously, have low body fat but dont workout able to bench press more weight?

by  |  earlier

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than a person who has the same height, same build except only lifts weights and doesnt run?




  1. No.  A person who is lifting weights primarily will more than likely be able to bench more.  BUT that is not to say that a runner can't bench press a lot of weight.  Sprinters typically have a strong bench press as compared to long distance runners.  Both lifters and runners should have low body fat.

    Here is a fun fact.  Let's compare body builders and distance runners.  Even though the body types are very different, their training methods are very similar and their muscles fibers are very similar.  Both will be predominantly slow twitch fibers.  For a distance runner this is because they are working aerobically.  A distance runner typically stresses their muscles by running long distances (as opposed to a sprinter who does anaerobic exercises that train their fast twitch muscles.  A body builder (not to be confused with a power lifter who also trains fast twitch muscles) trains with high weights *and* high repetition.  This gives them muscle mass but typically not muscle power.  

    hope that helps!

  2. obviously not

    running is mostly in the legs

    and the arm movements dont require big muscles

  3. NO, running is a skill.  I am a good runner and I can do tons of pushups and crunches but I suck at benchpress.

  4. It depends on what type of training some people do.

    Most distance runners I know lift weights at least twice a week.

    If you only run and don't lift weights then you are not going to have much upper body strength.

    Someone who lifts weights is going to be stronger than someone who doesn't.

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