
Are people who don't believe in government conspiracy theories just afraid of the government?

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They don't want to oppose the government so they don't investigate the theories. They figure, if the government wants to fool us, we might as well just go along with it?




  1. I think like me, they know there is nothing they can do about it.  As I get older, I find if it doesn't affect me personally, I just don't care about it as much....

  2. for the most part they are brainwashed into believing that it's crazy to believe conspiracy theories.

  3. They pretty much have no lives.

    They also tend to come mainly from the liberal side which explains much of their psychosis.

  4. So, which theory do you subscribe to:  The government runs everything. the government is run by a secret cabal, aliens are in charge, or something else?  There is evidence that certain groups seem to have undue influence, but that seems to be the case throughout history.  Whenever they got too carried away, there was a change instituted which put them in the grave or into hiding.  I expect that will be the case repetitively for the foreseeable future.  If you're concerned about weapons control, the British pretty much got rid of firearms in Ireland, then found out that bombs were worse.  Human nature, being what it is, I expect that most of the "issues" are lip service to keep us divided.  Right now the status quo keeps us manageable most of the time.  As for those who don't believe, it's their right.  There's a lot of information and speculation out there, and we choose what to believe.

  5. If you saw a mini go head-on to an 18 wheeler and the 18 wheeler was demolished ... you would say NOW THERE IS SOMETHING STRANGE AND UNUSUAL ...

    However, if you see a steel framed skyscraper COMPLETELY DESTROYED from having the top one sixth of the structure "collapse" down onto the undamaged remainder of the building and the whole thing is reduced to very small bits!?!?!?!

    Don't you think there is something VERY STRANGE going on here?

    If there was a movie that showed the events of 9/11/2001

    (just the events as they happened, no dramatization)

    The reviewers would be saying "who writes this c**p?"

    its totally unbelievable to the point of being bad theater!


  6. The first answer is the best, it is part of the problem to gain truth , and part of the solution that needs to wake up and stop thinking of yourself as a whole. Bush warned US about theories , even before they started, I think you better look a gift horse in the mouth on that call, he caused the sound byte and the search with his big fat stumbling mouth. He sucks at attempting to lie.

  7. P***k the government i hate it and i wish i could backhand all of those g*y *** republicans all of you make me sick go ahead and snitch to the pigs [spits]

  8. They're not afraid.  They're just brainwashed, period.

  9. I personally don't really like to listen to people talk about conspiracy theories. I had a teacher that was very conspiracy theory oriented and I hated it. You have to understand that although we all want the government to have our best interest in mind the government can't have 300 million people's best interest in mind 100% percent of the time. And so they don't tell us things. Many conspiracy theories also have to do with death. And the funny thing about death is that they are already dead and saying that their death was connected to the mob or that the killer had help killing doesn't really matter because the person is dead. I know that some people think that the government keeps some big secrets from us, but maybe its for our own good. Even though keeping secrets is wrong at its roots people want to hear what they want to hear and they are going to hear what they want to hear whether they are told by the government or their friends. And I will just tell you now that I am not afraid of the government. Although I do think that it is right to look at them with the respect that people of power deserve. People fear their government when a dictator like Saddam Hussein is in power or someone like Hitler. They are afraid because those people had the right to kill without a good reason, or a reason at all. Our government does not allow that and has been built to ensure that we do not fear the government. It's just like telling a 4 year old baby about all of the horrible things going on in the world. The baby probably wouldn't understand and would have emotional baggage that they don't need to know about yet. Conspiracy theories are a waste of time and money and if you would turn on the news once in a while then you might realize that there are bigger issues in the world than whether JFK's death was related to the mob or not!!

  10. They can't handle the truth.  In their defense, it is very difficult to find out and then also believe that your country is doing what the theories propose.  Truth is often crazier than fiction. And of course, like me, when you realize you cannot do anything about it, you just try to stay out of anyone's sights.

  11. being blind to truth is more like it

  12. YES. well for the most part. its ALL governmental conpiracys.... actually its all conspiracys no matter where you go there is one. but a lot of times people are paid to not do anything.

  13. We are the government, never forget that.  Our elected and appointed public servants work for us.  

    There are criminals is every profession and trade.  There are more in government service that in other areas, because smart criminals seek out these positions.

    This is best illustrated by the treatment Ron Paul received in his bid for the presidency.

    This is not to imply that everyone in these offices are criminals.  Many are not.  But, because criminals will do things that honest people will not, they have an advantage in attaining those positions.  Because Ron Paul is an honorable man, he would not compromise his integrity.  Ron Paul would not play ball with the corrupt influences that control both major parties.  That's why we get candidates like McCain and Obama.

    As I said before, we the people are the government, and we have the power to vote out the criminal element.  This isn't going to happen until enough Americans understand how they are being robbed and abused by our public servants.

    It's our job to make them aware of it.  Cowards need not apply.

  14. Conspiracy theories lack proof. If someone proves it with actual facts it's no longer a theory. Is it?

  15. everyone's a part of it.  don't believe anything!  trust only yourself - and whatever you read on the internet.

  16. I try and just get on with things, for of course if one did have an absolute incontrovertible truth and was able to disseminate it, then your time on this earth would probably not be long.

    I just ask the odd question, answer the occasional one. Nothing heavy duty.

    I do find it frightening saddening and confusing.

    No one with any significant independent reasoning power could believe, for instance, that the laws of physics were suspended on that infamous day.

  17. I think most of them on here work for them.  How many #1 dumb questions come through here.  And #2 how many of those insult Liberals (which just means free thinking?????  How is that bad?)  I just started reporting them.  I have a several accounts to do this with so I don't lose my points.  How can you be on the internet, so dead set on setting truthers right, with access to the same info as us while we provide the posts, info, and links to the information.  Then they say things like "typical liberal, spouting insane theories without posting links to the facts."  I had that post 6 times in one answer????  To top it off, when I asked the question I said "and for those who will say this......  Here is a link .   And for those who say this.... here is another link."  They don't even read the question.  It's like an automated response.  No facts just "that's debunked" and then an insult about intelligence.  Just start either calling them out or reporting them.  (make sure to do it with a seperate account as to not lose yours).  Ask a question without 9-11 in the question or title and word it carefully and don't use names of either Presidents and candidates and see how much LESS those responses appear on your question.

  18. The fact is, I do scrutinize the theories - I;m confident that many people do - but after a while, the "proof" given in op-blog web sites, Youtube, Truth sites, fictitious "documentaries," half truths and outright lies, photo shopped images, out of context quotes, unreliable witnesses, unverifiable statements and pseudo and over simplified "scientific" evidence gets really tiresome at best, and aggravating at worst.

  19. Would it not be that the people who believe in many conspiracy theories wish to justify their fears in the government by believing certain theories?

    As opposed to people without fear in the government who have no need to justify their absence of fear by believing in certain theories.

  20. Most are like  your first comment , just plain phooking brainwashed into believeing that if it doesnt affect them personally at that moment . why should they care .

    What alot of people do not know is that the government counts on our apathy  to carrry out its agenda . The agenda on the plate at the moment is one world government and the dismantle of the United States Constsitution.Thats why all the good jobs have left the United states to mexico  and  why gas is up . Kill the middle class , even the economic playing field , that makes it easier for a one world government .

    BTW SHEEPLE main medias are owned by cooperations , media nd government  are together in alot of ventures , so to speak . if the governemtn doesnt want you to know , most likely the media will hide it.Alot of Top News reporters as well as most politicians are members of the CFR.

    old quote  that rings true ..togther we conquer , devided we fall . People apathy devides up ..please quit thinking that if you obey  the laws , they  wont pay attention to you ....guess what FBI did a study , only 1 % of Americans are criminal element . Why so many laws , why so much show of police.

    its all about control .

    the top clip is of john coleman , very informative

    second is a documentary of big business and government

    third is naomi wolf  she talks of set up of a dictatorship .

    almost a year ago I was apathitic to what was going on too . then i saw how deep the rabbit hole goes

    btw I am a constitutionalist , I believe our forefathers and our men and women over the decades  have fought , shed blood and died for  what Bush calls a GOD d**n piece of paper

  21. Absolutely not.  You have to support conspiracy theories with facts.  If you can't, one can't believe in them.  It's that simple.

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