
Are people who hate Scientology just jealous that their Sci-Fi story didn't make it into other people's lives

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I don't know a lot about M Night Shaymalan or whoever that guy was, Arthur Clarke, that wrote Battlefield Earth, but from what I have read he basically made Scientology to get rich. But can you blame the guy? Who wouldn't want other people to believe what they do AND get money for it. We can't all do it, because there would never be any followers. Why do we rally around certain people? Are most people just destined never to lead?




  1. Isn't it funny what people come up with?

    It's an old story that L Ron Hubbard used Scientology to get rich. What people don't want you to know is that he was able to prove that he didn't make any money on Scientology. He was able to show that he used his earnings from his writing (Science Fiction was only about 17% of what he did) to support his research which later became Dianetics and Scientology. In fact, when he died in 1986 he left his millions from his Bestselling Science Fiction Books (Battlefield Earth is one) to the Church. It itself is a not-for profit organization, supporting many social reform and social betterment groups.

    One of the requirements for a not for profit is that no individual benefits from the funds it receives, and that the funds are used in it's social betterment programs.  IRS Code, section (501(c)(3).

    These programs are supported by Scientologists all over the world.  

    For the list see:

  2. Boy.  Arthur C. Clarke had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Scientology.  Lafayette Ron Hubbard did it.  He began his "career" as part of a Crowleyan study group in California while writing for a variety of pulp magazines -- the SF and Fantasy is still being reprinted and it was an important part of his output, but there was also a significant number of historical pulp stories.  He  worked over the guy who headed the group, but Scientology is really Crowleyan Thelemic Magick with scientific trappings in many ways.

    To make a long story short, his early followers WERE in the SF community.  This included A. E. Van Vogt whose Slan and The World of Null-A are MUST reading if you claim to be a fan, and Robert Moore Williams who wrote to d**k Geis in the seventies that "Scientology cured me of any skill with words I had."

    Most of us Old Time Fans think that is true of the THREE of them.  Hubbard's Battlefield Earth, Van Vogt's Quest for the Future are JUNK compared to their earlier pre-scientology books.

    I could say more but Yahoo! Answers has community guidelines so I'll stop here.

  3. Scientology was created by Ron Hubbard. I can honestly say that without a doubt, I have far too much integrity and scruples to try and pass off any of my stories (I write horror/dark fiction) as truth in order to rob people of their life savings, destroying lives in the process (they consider psychology evil and won't seek outside help for people that are seriously disturbed). Charlatans like him are repugnant.

  4. I can't speak for others but i protest scientology because of the many crimes and abuses against their own members, critics and others as documented in court trials, goverment investigations, video evidence, and ex-member testimony, as well as first hand experience of policies such as disconnection.

    Its a destructive cult , and that is why people don't like it.

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