
Are people who post on yahoo answers a representation of how stupid humans have become?

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Or are people who post on these kinds of message boards uniquely stupid?




  1. Join the real world

  2. You also post, that means you are also uniquely stupid right?

  3. Yes, this is the American population at large. Get used to it.

  4. Yup, and bored too.

  5. It is scary to see how many crazy people there are out there, and what some people actually believe.

  6. Couldn't help but notice a responder hardly resisting the cliche anti-American jab. Some of the scariest and most ill-informed comments posted on here are from europeans and other foreigners raised in a climate of propaganda and fear against those who succeed. I think the most scary and stupid people on earth are indeed those who bash Americans without having any concept of current data, facts, statistics or understanding of culture and history. Oddly Americans are accused of that. But I see it more in the "foreign" world.  

  7. Hopefully it's just a representation of how widespread internet use is. Even the dumb yokels can get on-line and ask questions.

    Also, many of the people who ask questions are probably teenagers or younger. At least I'm hoping so, what with all of the spelling and grammatical errors.  

  8. It must be nice to be the smartest guy in the room.

    Of course, they do say that an empty wagon makes the most noise...

  9. Does it strike u as odd that u need to be in others buisness and call them stupid to make ur self "feel" smart?

    I have NEVER answerd one of these before, but this annoys me!

    People like u annoy me, do u call up on the radio to pick apart people as well?  Get a life.

  10. Aw come on. Don't be so hard on yourself.

    You posted this question and I don't think you are stupid.

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