
Are people who think that either Ron Paul or Barak Obama would be good presidents really that stupid?

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I've seen several people pair the two, who are completely opposite of each other.




  1. Not as stupid as the people who voted for Bush.  Furthermore, not even as stupid as the people who will be voting for Mccain, who will continue most of Bush's failed policies (The current status of the US is self-explanatory).  

  2. its a sign of the audacity of hopelessness.  these people would rather take anything other than what they have right now.

  3. Yes. Their political insight clearly doesn't go further than "change " rhetoric which is the only thing they share and even that's a stretch. McCain and Obama are both closer to eachother than to Ron Paul. I've seen people linking McCain/ Paul as well

  4. I disagree with Sameer (smear...LOL).  Folks voted for Bush because he was the "lesser of the 2 evils," not necessarily the best candidate.

    I will say that I saw a lady with a bumper sticker the other day that said:


    It must have been a REALLY stupid question!

    Funny stuff.

  5. Ron Paul would be a great President.  In fact, he would be the only real "President", being aware that his powers are limited.

    McCain and Obama are running for EMPEROR.  There's a difference.

    Dr. Ron Paul is the greatest politician alive.

  6. Barack Obama will be an EXCELLENT President. Far better than Insane McCain would EVER be.

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!!  

  7. republicans believe all they are told.....and are usually not deep thinkers!

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