
Are people who use Yahoo boring boring people with no lives?

by  |  earlier

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have every body got nothing else in there lives but ask and answer questions, if you only have the footy and answers in your life then just end it now

gee i cant wait till somebody says but you are using answers and asking a question




  1. awwwwwwwwww poor little thing no friends ha get a life.

  2. Yes.

    You are dead right with your opinion.

    Some people have such boring lives that coming

    onto this site is their ONLY activity they do other

    than eating & sleeping.

  3. YAY!!! Ive finally been cloned!!!

    The real ZERO is on level 4 people

    Glad you like the pic of my son so much, Imawunda

    Are YOU so boring that you need to pretend to be other poeple to get your Rocks off???

  4. I have apsolutly no life and sit on this site for the 20 hours that I'm awake per day.......

    Get a life dip sh*t your the only one obviously bored enough to ask such dribbled c**p

  5. If you were the real Broooce you wouldn't say that.

    Would you?

    BTW I would love nothing more than to sit here tonight and watch the footy and come on here but I'm going out! Yep, it's true, on a Saturday night, out to a party then into the city to get another tattoo!

    Gee! Looks like I do actually have a life after all :))

    At last!!

  6. Are you so bored yourself? You must have some loose screws in your head. Are you so st*pid? that you need to have so many accounts and clone other user's to make yourself feel good.

    P.S....Your not the real..... they call me broooooce. P*ss Off.

  7. I'm the chairman of the bored !!!

  8. well i don't know are you a boring person with no life

  9. yes

  10. It takes one to know one at least we have better things to do than change our avatar every five minutes.

  11. There there. Don't be so hard on yourself.

  12. but you are using answers and asking a question


    didnt have 2 wait that long :)

  13. Possibly. Perhaps that's why you came to Yahoo Answers and posted this question?

  14. Your not the real Brooooce, If you were you would have a photo of Bruce Springsteen.

  15. no way are you are the real brooooce

    whats your point moron and why the h**l you using that avatar name?

  16. Correct. Fits me to a T.

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