
Are perceptions an intrinsic part of the space-time reality aboard a craft moving at Light or FTL speeds?

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In the twins paradox, one is exposed to the notion that twins (one on Earth and one in a craft traveling at light speed) would age at differing paces. During the duration of a voyage aboard a light speed craft the twin aboard the craft ages little, while his twin on Earth ages quite significantly. It makes me wonder: does one's own perceptions play an intrinsic part in the aging process when one is living on and interacting with a craft that is traveling at light speed? Do the perceptions of the traveller play a part, becoming virtually indistinguishable and therefore merged with the flow and acceleration of the craft? If one experiences time due to perception, how long would the journey take for that person, given that they are in their own niche of reality? Do we really know how much a person would age?

In this scenario, the light speed is the instigating factor that allows time to be experienced at different rates. It then connects with consciousness.

Please stick to the gist of the question, which is consciousness being affected by light speed travel.




  1. what is your consciousness?  

    a bunch of chemical interactions.  how do chemicals interact?  with light, basically.  and how do we percieve things?  again, with light.

    so if light is measured to be the same speed by all observers, which is the fundamental point in SR, then time cannot be the same.  find a simple 'light clock on a train' example.

    it is not some mystical thing going on.  

    and as far as many hundreds of experiments can testify, this is what happens

  2. You haven't traveled at the speed of light lately? Considering the constant of light' speed and the biochemistry of any human all the hypothesis about the resultant of such interactions remain merely that, hypothesis.

    Some of them intricately complex and interesting, nevertheless, mere deductions.

    From traveling at the speed of light, most of these thinkers arrive at what appears to be the next stage of speculation, time travel.

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