
Are persians the original ancestors of the European people?

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Are persians the original ancestors of the European people?




  1. For the people saying this and that about India...there is a well known story in India about an "aryan invasion" I would look up the aryan theory on wikipedia if your interested in learning about white roots.  Its one theory.  We know they existed.  But we don't know what they look like I think.  Although of course, Hitler abused the Aryan theory, but the theory was very popular and nearly regarded as a historical truth in the 1900s by the whites.  For example when Britain invaded India they said something to the tune of "We are aryans coming to retake our land"  Some Indians call themselves Aryans, so do Persians, and so do racial Whites.

  2. Some of these answers are partly correct only. There was a migration back and forth into the far Northern hemispheres of Europe several times over several hundreds of thousands of years. Neanderthal himself may have wandered back and forth almost to Africa several times so, the languages and the cultural mixtures were more or less, belonging to everyone, not just one culture.

        The people followed the food source, the winters and the herds. Hence, they intermingled where there wasn't jealousy and fighting among them.

        That means words, and cultures were intermingled, along with trade goods etc.

       When man started to wander into the Western corridores and started farming then and, only then could you say languages and cultures were a mainstay.

        Caucasion featured people from grave sites were found far into the Mongolian deserts of Western China and China concedes now that they were not the first to enter into the Asia they know, thinking all along they were the first.

  3. No but like many othe modern IE speakers many of them would have descended from IE speakers who moved into northern Iraq and Iran in the Bronze age.

    Go to your library and see f they have any books on historical linguistics and archaeogenetics!

  4. Persians gave us written language and i am thankful for that.But india is the place that made us.They only have skin that is darker than ours.But you look at any Indian person and you will see his brotherhood similarity.As for mongol and chinese people I say----.?

  5. Most Europeans are descended from the group known as Proto-Indo-Europeans or PIE after the language they spoke.  They spread out from an area in the vicinity of the Caucus mountains.  These people have been traced from linguistic and genetic markers and gave rise to people as far as India, Persia, and Europe.  As interesting as these people are those thy did not displace such as the Basques of northern Spain and southern France.  The Basques have held on to their language, culture and genetics through wave after wave of invaders.  The Indo-Europeans, the Romans, etc. and are currently one of only a small handful (maybe as low as 2) non-PIE languages spoken in Europe.

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