
Are pharmacists rich people?

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Are physicians and doctors more rich than pharmacist or are they equal in salary...




  1. Within TX and the Southwest, the ave, pay for Pharmacists is $130,000.  Now, that's reasonable pay for a doc who does something like private practice or family medicine. They're at the starting area there. But  with more training and residency (such as cardiac-a very long and tough residency) you will get more $$$. Some of these docs get close to $200.000 or even $250,000/year  .  Stll not bad with a $130000/year wage - I'll take that as a pharmacist, definitely...:-D

  2. The median salary for pharmacists in the United States is $102,000 a year. That's pretty good. Furthermore, that will possibly raise in the near future as pharmacists are really in demand and I think we all know what demand does to a job's salary...

  3. pharm. make like 70,000-100,000 i believe so thats awesome

  4. Pharmacists get paid well. Their service is much in demand.

  5. no but they make good money

  6. Most likely doctors have more money than pharmacists.

  7. In thier on field.

  8. YES they are waay more rich than pharmacists!!!!

  9. Depends on the field. Don't know much about physicians' salaries, but there are different pharmaceutical areas, retail, hospital, corporate...

  10. This is a complicated question. It really depends on what type of doctor or pharmacist you are.

    If you earn a PharmD degree and want to work in a pharmacy, you can earn from 80k to 130k depending on where you live.  Plus there is over time if you work in a retail store.  However, a pharmD can work in industry for either a medical education company, an insurance company, or a pharma company (like Pfizer).  Starting salary would be about the same (70-90k), but over the years can easily grow to 200k if you play your cards right and have some business savvy.   Plus, a pharmD degree is MUCH cheaper then an MD, and unless you dispense pills, you dont have to carry insurance.

    A doctor on the other hand can earn starts out making next to nothing, but once residency is over you can either choose to specialize (another 4 years of crappy pay and no sleep) or go in to practice.  Docs salary can be from 80k (pediatrician, PCP) to 350k (top oncology surgeon in his/her 40's.  

    However, the insurance and the previous school bills really cut into the pay.

    Bottom line, you dont become a doctor for the money.  Unless you want to be a dermatologist.  :p

  11. i wouldn't say "rich" , but they do make good money, like 100,00 dollars a year

  12. I live in Oregon, and here the average pharmacist makes $103K

    Doctors have a lot more stress and on-call time for their jobs so if you're looking into the medical field pharmacist is a good job.

    If you were interested in being a doctor then there is always Physicians Assistants.  They do 80% of what doctors do but they require less time on the job and less schooling

  13. I don't think so

  14. Despite how much a person earns in salary, the question you should be asking is how smart are they with their money. If there are two pharmacists, one who has demanding, spoiled children who spends what the pharmacist makes, and the other who invests heavily on sure stocks, who do you think will actually end up "rich"? Doctors have to spend on malpractice insurance and are more likely to be sued.

  15. Doctors earn more x*x

  16. they get payed one of the lowest saleries for a medical provider

    Doctors get the highest

  17. yeh

  18. no they are not,

    just like doctors...(which is the same thing as a physician basically) depends on certain things.

    some pharmacist make an incredible amount of money, ..after all, look what they need to do, and know.

    Both are great professions. But again, depends. You can find a doctor working , say in a poor state, like maine, who doesnt make  half the money a pharmacist does here in boston, it depends.

  19. LMAO where do you live? Of course Doctors are more rich than Pharmacists depending on what kind of physician you are.

  20. Doctors do make better money however, Pharmcists do make VERY good money as well.

    The thing is Pharmacists are very much in demand, there are lots of places you can choose to work as well.

    As to who is richer...well, it really depends on indivudual spending and saving habits.

  21. That is hard to say. Depends on their practice(the doctors) and if the pharmacist owns the pharmacy or not.  But also, it depends on what you mean by rich? Rich money wise? Or rich in talents and skills and experience? That is kind of like saying are garbagemen rich people...Sorry, don't mean to be smart.

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